Select for update : Update Data « PL SQL « Oracle PL / SQL

Select for update

SQL> create table my_data(
  2  id number,
  3  data varchar2(100) );

Table created.

SQL> insert into my_data
  2  select rownum, to_char( to_date( rownum, 'J' ), 'JSP' ) from all_objects
  3  where rownum < 6;

5 rows created.

SQL> select * from my_data;

        ID DATA
---------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         1 ONE
         2 TWO
         3 THREE
         4 FOUR
         5 FIVE

SQL> insert into my_data values ( 6, 'SIC' );

1 row created.

SQL> declare
  2        l_row my_data%rowtype;
  3  begin
  4        select * into l_row from my_data where id = 6 for update;
  5        update my_data set data = 'SIX' where id = 6;
  6        commit;
  7  exception
  8       when NO_DATA_FOUND then
  9         insert into my_data values ( 6, 'SIX' );
 10  end;
 11  /

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

SQL> select * from my_data;

        ID DATA
---------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         1 ONE
         2 TWO
         3 THREE
         4 FOUR
         5 FIVE
         6 SIX

6 rows selected.

SQL> drop table my_data;

Table dropped.



Related examples in the same category

1.UPDATE statement can be used within PL/SQL programs to update a row or a set of rows
2.Check row count being updating
3.Update with variable
4.Two UPDATE statements.
5.Check SQL%ROWCOUNT after updating
6.Exception handling for update statement
7.Update salary with stored procedure
8.Update table and return if success
9.Decrease salary with user procedure
10.Change price and output the result
11.Run an anonymous block that updates the number of book IN STOCK
12.Run an anonymous block that updates the number of pages for this book
13.Run the anonymous block to update the position column
14.Ajust price based on price range
15.Bundle several update and insert statements into one procedure
16.Use procedure to update table