use sysdate to init a variable : SYSDATE « Date Timezone « Oracle PL / SQL

use sysdate to init a variable

SQL> set echo on
  2      v_MyChar VARCHAR2(20) := 'test';
  3      v_NUMBER NUMBER;
  4      V_Date DATE := SYSDATE;
  5      v_counter INTEGER;
  6  BEGIN
  7      DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('This is a Test');
  8      DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Of Syntax Error Debugging');
  9      For v_COUNTER IN 1..5 LOOP
 10          DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('You are in loop:' || v_counter);
 11      END LOOP;
 12  END;
 13  /
This is a Test
Of Syntax Error Debugging
You are in loop:1
You are in loop:2
You are in loop:3
You are in loop:4
You are in loop:5

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

SQL> --


Related examples in the same category sysdate
2.Using the SYSDATE function: return the current date from the system
3.Get current operating system date
4.Combining TO_CHAR to Format SYSDATE
5.Removing the Time from SYSDATE
6.Truncating to the Quarter
7.Adding Two Months to SYSDATE
8.Adding One Month a certain date
9.Finding the First Monday After the Current Date and Time
10.Minus days from sysdate