Number Formatting
Character Example Explanation
9 9999 Each character represents a place holder for digits.
0 999.00 Used for leading or trailing zeros.
$ $9999 prefixes the number with a dollar sign.
S S9999 Useful for positive and negative numbers in query results.
PR 9999PR Displays negative numbers in angle brackets.
D or . 99D99, 99.99 Places a decimal point in the place where the D or. is.
, 9,999 Places a comma in the place where the , is.
RN or rn RN Displays roman numerals, in upper-or lowercase depending on the case of the format mask.
DATE date Assumes the number in a Julian date, and displays the resulting value in MM/DD/YY format.
Related examples in the same category
1. | TO_CHAR(12345.67, '99999V99'): shift specified number of digits | | |
2. | TO_CHAR(12345.67, 'U99,999.99') | | |
3. | TO_CHAR(12345.67, '99999.99EEEE'): scientific notation | | |
4. | TO_CHAR(12345.67, '99999D99'): decimal point | | |
5. | TO_CHAR(12345.67, 'C99,999.99') | | |
6. | TO_CHAR(0.67, 'B9.99') | | |
7. | TO_CHAR(12345.67, '$99,999.99') | | |
8. | TO_CHAR(12345.67, '99,999.9900') | | |
9. | TO_CHAR(12345.67, '099,999.99') | | |
10. | TO_CHAR(-12345.67, '99,999.99') (2) | | |
11. | TO_CHAR(12345.67, '99999G99'): group separator | | |
12. | TO_CHAR(12345.67, 'TM') | | |
13. | TO_CHAR(2007, 'RN') | | |
14. | TO_CHAR(-12345.67, '99,999.99PR'): negative value in angle brackets | | |
15. | TO_CHAR(12345.67, 'L99,999.99' ): currency symbol | | |
16. | TO_CHAR(0012345.6700, 'FM99999.99') | | |
17. | TO_CHAR(-12345.67, '99,999.99MI') | | |
18. | TO_CHAR(product_price, '$9,999.00') | | |