Write an implicit cursor in a FOR loop and use the data : Implicit Cursor « Cursor « Oracle PL / SQL

Write an implicit cursor in a FOR loop and use the data


  2    FOR i IN (SELECT item_title FROM item) LOOP
  3      dbms_output.put_line('The title is ['||i.item_title||']');
  4    END LOOP;
  5  END;
  6  /



Related examples in the same category

1.Use implicit cursor
2.Implicit cursors: SQL%FOUND returns TRUE if SQL statement found one or more records
3.use for loop cursor
4.Implicit Cursors: sql%rowcount
5.Cursor for loop
6.Reference implicit in insert statement
7.use cursor attributes on the implicit SQL cursor.
8.Implicit cursor by for loop
9.Test cursor attributes with an implicit cursor
10.Use implicit or explicit cursor to insert 50000 rows to a table
11.Use passed in value with creating a cursor
12.explicit cursor with cursor variable
13.for data in ( select * from tableName )