Use number functions when creating a cursor value : Cursor Value « Cursor « Oracle PL / SQL

Use number functions when creating a cursor value


  2    product_id              NUMBER(6),
  3    name            VARCHAR2(50),
  4    price      NUMBER(8,2),
  5    min_price       NUMBER(8,2)
  6  );

Table created.

SQL> create or replace function GetProductTaxIn (in_product_id number) return number is
  2          priceValue number;
  3          cursor dataCursor is select nvl(round(price * 1.15,2),0) from products where product_id = in_product_id;
  4  begin
  5            open dataCursor;
  6            fetch dataCursor into priceValue;
  7            return priceValue;
  8  exception
  9         when others then priceValue := 0;
 10         return priceValue;
 11  end;
 12  /

Function created.

SQL> select product_id, price, GetProductTaxIn(product_id)
  2  from products
SQL> drop table products;

Table dropped.



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5.Cursor Variable Example 2
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