jQuery UI Datepicker - Display inline : UI Datepicker « jQuery « JavaScript DHTML

jQuery UI Datepicker - Display inline


  jQuery UI Effects Blind 1.7.2
  Copyright (c) 2009 AUTHORS.txt (http://jqueryui.com/about)
  Dual licensed under the MIT (MIT-LICENSE.txt)
  and GPL (GPL-LICENSE.txt) licenses.
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
  <title>jQuery UI Datepicker - Display inline</title>
  <link type="text/css" href="js/themes/base/ui.all.css" rel="stylesheet" />
  <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-1.3.2.js"></script>
  <script type="text/javascript" src="js/ui/ui.core.js"></script>
  <script type="text/javascript" src="js/ui/ui.datepicker.js"></script>
  <link type="text/css" href="js/demos.css" rel="stylesheet" />
  <script type="text/javascript">
  $(function() {

<div class="demo">

Date: <div id="datepicker"></div>

</div><!-- End demo -->

<div class="demo-description">

<p>Display the datepicker embedded in the page instead of in an overlay.  Simply call .datepicker() on a div instead of an input.</p>

</div><!-- End demo-description -->



Related examples in the same category

1.jQuery UI Datepicker - Populate alternate field
2.jQuery UI Datepicker - Display button bar
3.jQuery UI Datepicker - Format date
4.jQuery UI Datepicker - Display month and year menus
5.jQuery UI Datepicker - Icon trigger
6.jQuery UI Datepicker - Localize calendar
7.jQuery UI Datepicker - Restrict date range
8.jQuery UI Datepicker - Display multiple months
9.Create a date picker
10.Set date format (appendText: " MM/DD/YYYY")
11.dateFormat:"d MM yy"
12.Internationalize date picker
13.Use button to trigger date picker
14.Add image to date picker trigger button
15.Display two months
16.Display a dialog to hold the date picker
17.Set style for date picker
18.firstDay: 1