Start a timer and cancel a timer : setTimeout « Window Browser « JavaScript DHTML

Start a timer and cancel a timer


var myTimer;

function fireIt () {
   var now = new Date();
   var displayStr = now + "\r\n"; 
   window.document.theForm.myOutput.value = displayStr;
function startIt () {

   myTimer = setInterval("fireIt()", 1000);
function stopIt() {

<FORM name="theForm">
     <input type=button value="Start!" onClick="startIt ();">
     <input type=button value="Stop!" onClick="stopIt();">
     <textarea name="myOutput" cols = 60 rows=20></textarea>


Related examples in the same category

1.meta http-equiv="refresh" content="30" and timer
2.Windows timer
3.Load image with timer