Event Bubbling Demonstration : Browser Event « Window Browser « JavaScript DHTML

Event Bubbling Demonstration

JavaScript Bible, Fourth Edition
by Danny Goodman 

John Wiley & Sons CopyRight 2001

<HTML onClick="alert('Event is now at the HTML element.')">
<TITLE>Event Bubbles</TITLE>
function init() {
    window.onclick = winEvent
    document.onclick = docEvent
    document.body.onclick = docBodEvent
function winEvent() {
    alert("Event is now at the window object level.")
function docEvent() {
    alert("Event is now at the document object level.")
function docBodEvent() {
    alert("Event is now at the BODY element.")
<BODY onLoad="init()">
<H1>Event Bubbles</H1>
<FORM onClick="alert('Event is now at the FORM element.')">
<INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Button 'main1'" NAME="main1" 
    onClick="alert('Event started at Button: ' + this.name)">


Related examples in the same category

1.Using the History Object to Navigate
2.Handling onBlur and onFocus in Frames
3. IE4+ Event Coordinate Properties
4.Using the srcElement property
5. NN4 Event Capture and Release 1
6.Document and Layer Event Capture and Release
7.NN4 Capture, Release, and Route Events
8.NN4 Redirecting Events
9.Cancelling and Redirecting Events in IE5.5+
10.NN6 Event Capture and Bubble
11.Preventing Bubble and Capture
12.Cancelling and Redirecting Events in NN6+