Alert box (dialog) with line-breaks : Dialog « Window Browser « JavaScript DHTML

Alert box (dialog) with line-breaks

<script type="text/javascript">
function disp_alert(){
    alert("Line 1" + '\n' + "Line 2")

<input type="button" onclick="disp_alert()" value="Display alert box">



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5. Working with the Alert, Confirm, and Prompt Methods
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7.Pop-up Window - centred
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9.Display a prompt box (dialog)
10.Confirm Dialog Box
11.The Prompt Dialog Box: check the return result
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14.User input
15.Yes/No Confirmation
16.Non string parameter for alert()
17.Dialog Box Demo
18.Alert Window
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20.Document for the Modal Dialog
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23.Alert Dialog
24.What is the output of a confirm dialog
25.If OK button was clicked
26.Use if-else with confirm dialog
27.Prompt Input Dialog
28.Pass string parameter to alert dialog box
29.Pass integer value to alert dialog box
30.Assign returning value from prompt dialog box to your variable
31.A carriage return in alert dialog box
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33.Tab key in the alert dialog box
34.New line character in alert box