Rico Accordion with Memory : Accordion « Rico « JavaScript DHTML

Rico Accordion with Memory

Apache License, Version 2.0

Revised from Rico 2.0  demo code.
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" >

<script src="rico21/src/rico.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type='text/javascript'>
Rico.onLoad( function() {
  new Rico.Accordion( $$('div.panelheader'), $$('div.panelContent'),
                      {panelHeight:200, hoverClass: 'panelHover', selectedClass: 'panelSelected', cookieName: 'Rico.AccCookie'});

<style type="text/css">
body, p {
  font-family : Trebuchet MS, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
h1 { font-size: 16pt; }

#accordionExample {
    border : 1px solid #4f4f4f;
    width: 650px;

  background-image: url('rico21/examples/client/images/example1_panelBG.png');
  height: 22px;
  color : #ECECEC;
  font-weight : normal;
  padding-left: 5px;

.panelHover {
  background-image: url('rico21/examples/client/images/example1_panelBGHover.png');
  height: 22px;
  color : #ffffff;
  padding-left: 5px;

.panelClicked {
   background-image: url('rico21/examples/client/images/example1_panelBGClick.png');
   height: 22px;
   color : #ffffff;
   padding-left: 5px;

.panelSelected {
  background-image: url('rico21/examples/client/images/example1_panelBGSelected.png');
  height: 22px;
  color : #494949;
  font-weight : bold;
  padding-left: 5px;
.panelContent {
    background-image: url('rico21/examples/client/images/example1_contentBG');
    background: #f8f8f8;
    overflow: auto;


<h1 style='float:left;'>Rico Accordion with Memory</h1>
<p style='clear:both;'>This example remembers the panel you had open the
last time you visited. Simply provide a value for options.cookieName. This option
also applies to tabbed panels. By default, the cookie value is only remembered
for the current session. To have it persist longer, also set options.cookieDays.</p>

<div style='clear:both;'>
     <div id="accordionExample">
         <div >
           <div  class="panelheader">
           <div class="panelContent">
            <br>This example illustrates how to use the Rico.Accordion behavior to transform a set of 
            divs into a first class accordion component.<br><br>
           The Rico.Accordion is actually a very simple component built off of Rico behaviors and effects.
          It adds the necessary event handlers on the respective divs to handle the visual aspects of expanding, collapsing
           and hovering.

         <div >
           <div class="panelheader">
             HTML Code
           <div class="panelContent">
           <br>The example HTML structure is an outer div that holds all of the panels.  Then, each panel is just a
           couple of DIVs (one for the header and one for the content) wrapped in an outer DIV.  You can actually use 
           elements other than divs.
       <pre>  &lt;div id="accordionDiv"&gt;
          &lt;div id="overviewPanel"&gt;
            &lt;div id="overviewHeader"&gt;
             &lt;div id="panel1Content"&gt;
              ... content text ...

           <div class="panelheader">
             Rico Code
           <div class="panelContent">
           <br>To attach the accordion behavior to the accordion container div, construct a Rico.Accordion
           object and pass the panel titles and contents to it.  This is a bit different than the previous version, 
           but allows  a lot more flexibilitiy.  With the new Prototype Selector class it is still very easy.
           <pre>new Rico.Accordion( $$('div.panelheader'), $$('div.panelContent') );
       new Rico.Accordion( $$('div.panelheader'), $$('div.panelContent'), 
                        hoverClass: 'mdHover',
                        selectedClass: 'mdSelected'}} );</pre>
           The second example specifies the height of the accordion panels and the css classes that can be associated 
           with the accordion behaviors.  
          There are many other configuration parameters that can be specified to modify various visual aspects of the
           accordion. The panelHeight is the attribute that is most commonly overridden.

          <div class="panelheader">
            Important Note
          <div class="panelContent">
          <br>The accordion is very flexible now and can handle scrollbars on firefox through the use of some new features in Rico.  
          However, you do have to make sure the header and content elements passed in to the Accordion constructor have the same 
          elements and match up in the order they are passed.  The new Accordion requires far less html attributes than Rico's 
          previous versions.



Related examples in the same category

1.Accordion panel with controls
2.Nested accordion panel
3.Rico Basic Accordion
4.Put a grid control into a accordion