Insert table row: the uniqueID Property
JavaScript Bible, Fourth Edition
by Danny Goodman
John Wiley & Sons CopyRight 2001
<TITLE>Inserting an IE5+/Windows Table Row</TITLE>
function addRow(item1) {
if (item1) {
// assign long reference to shorter var name
var theTable = document.all.myTable
// append new row to the end of the table
var newRow = theTable.insertRow(theTable.rows.length)
// give the row its own ID = newRow.uniqueID
// declare cell variable
var newCell
// an inserted row has no cells, so insert the cells
newCell = newRow.insertCell(0)
// give this cell its own id = newCell.uniqueID
// display the row's id as the cell text
newCell.innerText =
newCell.bgColor = "yellow"
// reuse cell var for second cell insertion
newCell = newRow.insertCell(1) = newCell.uniqueID
newCell.innerText = item1
<TABLE ID="myTable" BORDER=1>
<TH>Row ID</TH>
<TR ID="firstDataRow">
<TR ID="secondDataRow">
Enter text to be added to the table:<BR>
<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="input" SIZE=25><BR>
<INPUT TYPE='button' VALUE='Insert Row' onClick='addRow(this.form.input.value)'>
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