Scroll image and mimic a compass : Scroll « GUI Components « JavaScript DHTML

Scroll image and mimic a compass

  <title> ypSimpleScroll demo</title>
  <script language="javascript">
/* =======================================================
 * ypSimpleScroll
 * 3/11/2001
// dhtml scrolling panel featuring scrolling in any
// direction, smooth frame-dropping animation, and a
// few other goodies.
// 3/25/2001
// added scrolling in any direction and initTop, initLeft
// constructor parameters - with only 1k...
// 3/30/2001
// fixed bug that occured when if you called scrollTo( )
// and the new position was the same as the current
// position. that was stupid.
// 4/02/2001
// small bug fix - on some browsers, on slow connections
// the script would not run at all. to be sure the doc
// is done loading before .load() is called, the author
// must now call the .load() method in the onload handler
// for the page.
// 8/22/2001
// if you tried to scroll before page was loaded it threw
// an error. this should be fixed now.
// =======================================================
// ypSimpleScroll(  id, left, top, width, height, speed, 
//          contentWidth, initScrollLeft, 
//          initScrollTop  )
// last three parameters are optional.
 * ======================================================= */

// basic methods.
ypSimpleScroll.prototype.scrollNorth = function() { this.startScroll(90) }
ypSimpleScroll.prototype.scrollSouth = function() { this.startScroll(270)  }
ypSimpleScroll.prototype.scrollWest  = function() { this.startScroll(180) }
ypSimpleScroll.prototype.scrollEast  = function() { this.startScroll(0)   }

// start scrolling in an arbitrary direction, with an optional arbitrary speed.
// if no speed is provided, the default speed from the constructor parameter is used.
ypSimpleScroll.prototype.startScroll = function(deg, speed) {
  if (this.loaded)
    if (this.aniTimer) window.clearTimeout(this.aniTimer)

    this.speed    = speed ? speed : this.origSpeed
    this.lastTime = (new Date()).getTime() - this.y.minRes
    this.aniTimer = window.setTimeout(this.gRef + ".scroll()", this.y.minRes)

// kills pending calls to .scroll(), resets speed
ypSimpleScroll.prototype.endScroll = function() {
  if (this.loaded)
    this.aniTimer = 0;
    this.speed = this.origSpeed

// override the current angle from startScroll() with a new angle
// this method should not be used with scrollTo() because it will
// override the angle created by the first two params to scrollTo().
ypSimpleScroll.prototype.overrideScrollAngle = function(deg) {
  if (this.loaded)
    deg = deg % 360
    if (deg % 90 == 0) {
      var cos = deg == 0  ? 1 : deg == 180 ? -1 : 0
      var sin = deg == 90 ? -1 : deg == 270 ? 1 : 0
    } else {
      var angle = deg * Math.PI / 180
      var cos   = Math.cos(angle)
      var sin   = Math.sin(angle)
      sin = -sin
    this.fx = cos / (Math.abs(cos) + Math.abs(sin))
    this.fy = sin / (Math.abs(cos) + Math.abs(sin))
    this.stopH = deg == 90 || deg == 270 ? this.scrollLeft : deg < 90 || deg > 270 ? this.scrollW : 0
    this.stopV = deg == 0 || deg == 180 ? this.scrollTop : deg < 180 ? 0 : this.scrollH

// override the speed for the current scroll.
// should not be used with scrollTo, unless you want to 
// override the speed computed from the aniLen param of scrollTo()
ypSimpleScroll.prototype.overrideScrollSpeed = function(speed) {
  if (this.loaded) this.speed = speed

// scroll to an arbitrary position in two dimensions over in
// an arbitrary lenth of time.
ypSimpleScroll.prototype.scrollTo = function(stopH, stopV, aniLen) {
  if (this.loaded)
    if (stopH != this.scrollLeft || stopV != this.scrollTop) {
      if (this.aniTimer) window.clearTimeout(this.aniTimer)
      this.lastTime = (new Date()).getTime()
      var dx = Math.abs(stopH - this.scrollLeft)
      var dy = Math.abs(stopV - this.scrollTop)
      var d = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(dx,2) + Math.pow(dy,2))
      this.fx = (stopH - this.scrollLeft) / (dx + dy)
      this.fy = (stopV - this.scrollTop) / (dx + dy)
      this.stopH = stopH
      this.stopV = stopV
      this.speed = d / aniLen * 1000
      window.setTimeout(this.gRef + ".scroll()", this.y.minRes)

// jump to an arbitrary position in two dimensions.
ypSimpleScroll.prototype.jumpTo = function(nx, ny) { 
  if (this.loaded)
    nx = Math.min(Math.max(nx, 0), this.scrollW)
    ny = Math.min(Math.max(ny, 0), this.scrollH)
    this.scrollLeft = nx
    this.scrollTop = ny
    if (this.y.ns4)this.content.moveTo(-nx, -ny)
    else { = -nx + "px" = -ny + "px"

// =========================================================================
// =============================== private =================================
// =========================================================================

ypSimpleScroll.minRes = 10  = document.all ? 1 : 0
ypSimpleScroll.ns4 = document.layers ? 1 : 0
ypSimpleScroll.dom = document.getElementById ? 1 : 0
ypSimpleScroll.mac = navigator.platform == "MacPPC"
ypSimpleScroll.mo5 = document.getElementById && !document.all ? 1 : 0

// recursively calls itself to animate
ypSimpleScroll.prototype.scroll = function() {
  this.aniTimer = window.setTimeout(this.gRef + ".scroll()", this.y.minRes)
  var nt = (new Date()).getTime()
  var d = Math.round((nt - this.lastTime) / 1000 * this.speed)
  if (d > 0)
    var nx = d * this.fx + this.scrollLeft
    var ny = d * this.fy + this.scrollTop

    var xOut = (nx >= this.scrollLeft && nx >= this.stopH) || (nx <= this.scrollLeft && nx <= this.stopH)
    var yOut = (ny >= this.scrollTop && ny >= this.stopV)  || (ny <= this.scrollTop && ny <= this.stopV)
    //window.status = nx + " " + this.fx + " " + this.scrollLeft + " " + this.stopH + " | " + ny + " " + this.fy + " " + this.scrollTop + " " + this.stopV + " : " + d
    if (nt - this.lastTime != 0 &&
      ((this.fx == 0 && this.fy == 0) ||
       (this.fy == 0 && xOut) ||
       (this.fx == 0 && yOut) ||
       (this.fx != 0 && this.fy != 0 && xOut && yOut)))
      this.jumpTo(this.stopH, this.stopV)
    else {
      this.jumpTo(nx, ny)
      this.lastTime = nt

// constructor
function ypSimpleScroll(id, left, top, width, height, speed, contentWidth, initLeft, initTop)
  var y = this.y = ypSimpleScroll
  if (!initLeft)     initLeft     = 0
  if (!initTop)      initTop      = 0
  if (!contentWidth) contentWidth = width

  // fix for netscape4 first-page bug.
  if (document.layers && !y.ns4) history.go(0)

  if ( || y.ns4 || y.dom) {
    this.loaded    = false      = id
    this.origSpeed  = speed
    this.aniTimer  = false
    this.op      = ""
    this.lastTime  = 0
    this.clipH    = height
    this.clipW    = width
    this.scrollTop  = initTop
    this.scrollLeft  = initLeft

    // global reference to this object
    this.gRef = "ypSimpleScroll_"+id

    var d = document
    d.write('<style type="text/css">')
    d.write('#' + + 'Container { left:' + left + 'px; top:' + top + 'px; width:' + width + 'px; height:' + height + 'px; clip:rect(0 ' + width + ' ' + height + ' 0); overflow:hidden; }')
    d.write('#' + + 'Container, #' + + 'Content { position:absolute; }')
    d.write('#' + + 'Content { left:' + (-initLeft) + 'px; top:' + (-initTop) + 'px; width:' + contentWidth + 'px; }')

// once the nceesary objects are present in the DOM, this gathers some info about them.
ypSimpleScroll.prototype.load = function() {
  var d, lyrId1, lyrId2

  d = document
  lyrId1 = + "Container"
  lyrId2 = + "Content"

  this.container  = this.y.dom ? d.getElementById(lyrId1) : ? d.all[lyrId1] : d.layers[lyrId1]
  this.content  = obj2 = this.y.ns4 ? this.container.layers[lyrId2] : ? d.all[lyrId2] : d.getElementById(lyrId2)
  this.docH    = Math.max(this.y.ns4 ? this.content.document.height : this.content.offsetHeight, this.clipH)
  this.docW    = Math.max(this.y.ns4 ? this.content.document.width  : this.content.offsetWidth,  this.clipW)
  this.scrollH  = this.docH - this.clipH
  this.scrollW  = this.docW - this.clipW
  this.loaded    = true
  this.scrollLeft = Math.max(Math.min(this.scrollLeft, this.scrollW),0)
  this.scrollTop  = Math.max(Math.min(this.scrollTop, this.scrollH),0)
  this.jumpTo(this.scrollLeft, this.scrollTop)
  <script language="javascript">
    var test  = new ypSimpleScroll("myScroll", 20, 50, 250, 250, 30, 736, 200, 50)
    window.onload = function() {
      var ts = document.layers ? document.layers["triggers"] : document.all ? document.all.triggers : document.getElementById("triggers")
      ts = document.layers ? ts.layers : document.all ? ts.all.tags("DIV") : ts.getElementsByTagName("DIV")
      for (var i = 0; i < ts.length; i++) {
        if (document.layers) ts[i].captureEvents(Event.MOUSEDOWN | Event.MOUSEUP)
        ts[i].onmouseover = function() { test.startScroll(, }
        ts[i].onmousedown = function() { test.overrideScrollSpeed(300); return false; }
        ts[i].onmouseup   = function() { test.overrideScrollSpeed(100) }
        ts[i].onmouseout  = function() { test.endScroll() }

  <style type="text/css">
    /* just basic text formatting - nothing special */
    @import "/_common/demo.css";

    #mask { position:absolute; top:40px; left:15px; z-index:2; }
    #myScrollContainer { z-index:1; }

    #triggers { position:absolute; left:15px; top:40px; z-index:3; }
    #triggers div { position:absolute; width:20px; height:20px; clip:rect(0 20 20 0); }

    #trigger90  { left:130px; top:4px;   }
    #trigger45  { left:217px; top:44px;  }
    #trigger0   { left:259px; top:128px; }
    #trigger315 { left:222px; top:216px; }
    #trigger270 { left:130px; top:256px; }
    #trigger225 { left:43px;  top:218px; }
    #trigger180 { left:6px;   top:128px; }
    #trigger135 { left:38px;  top:47px;  }

  <b>mouseover</b> or <b>mousedown</b> on the compass points to pan the map.<br /><br />

  <div id="mask"><img src="compass.gif" usemap="#compass" width="279" height="285" border="0"></div>
  <div id="myScrollContainer">
    <div id="myScrollContent">
      <img id="map" src="img_mapbig.jpg" width="736" height="500" />

  <div id="triggers">
    <div id="trigger90"><img src="panningX.gif" width="20" height="20" /></div>
    <div id="trigger45"><img src="panningX.gif" width="20" height="20" /></div>
    <div id="trigger0"><img src="panningX.gif" width="20" height="20" /></div>
    <div id="trigger315"><img src="panningX.gif" width="20" height="20" /></div>
    <div id="trigger270"><img src="panningX.gif" width="20" height="20" /></div>
    <div id="trigger225"><img src="panningX.gif" width="20" height="20" /></div>
    <div id="trigger180"><img src="panningX.gif" width="20" height="20" /></div>
    <div id="trigger135"><img src="panningX.gif" width="20" height="20" /></div>



  171 k)

Related examples in the same category

1.Text Scroll when clicking
2.Text Scroll when mouse over
3.Scroll text with custom scoll bar
4.Scoll text with flash scroll bar
5.Slide tab
6.Vertical scroll (IE)
7. Diagonal Scroller (IE)
8.Text scroll
9.jScrollPane library
10.Image slideshow 4