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Linked comboboxes

<TITLE>Universal Related Popup Menus / Two, Three, or More! Related Menus -</TITLE>

<!-- Begin: URPM API -->
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" TYPE="text/javascript">
// Universal Related Select Menus - v2.02 19991104
// (Dynamically-sized related menus using JS 1.1's new Option cmd)
// by Andrew King & Michael Guitton
// Copyright (c) 1999 Corp. All Rights Reserved.
// Originally published and documented at
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
// Change History
// see for prev code 
// NB: The current script is inspired by the above work.
//     Yet the related menus aren't created the same way and
//     a couple of bugs have been squashed. 
//     I would advise you to refer to the original program
//     to get an idea of what is going on below. ;)
//     Michael Guitton
// Change History
// 27-Oct-1999 :: added support for frames -mg
// 08-Oct-1999 :: comments added, updated docs - abk
// 05-Oct-1999 :: ref() & relate() renamed, respectively, relate() & update()
//                for consistency w/ their respective behaviors - mg
// 04-Oct-1999 :: ref() is all you need (the icing on the cake ;)
//                relate() don't rely on get() anymore.
//                The current form index is fetched only once
//                See onChange handlers in HTML - mg 
// 30-Sep-1999 :: printItems() mod so won't stumble on null 1st lvl items - mg
// 29-Sep-1999 :: Added more comments - removed ie5 fix - abk
// 16-Sep-1999 :: relate() changed to be live with end branch
// 14-Sep-1999 :: ref() code rewritten from scratch. Tx Andy!
// 13-Sep-1999 :: New sindex() call checks for unselected parent menu option
// 09-Sep-1999 :: Technique extended to allow 2,3 or more levels with only 
//                one relate() function (a feature requested by Andy ;)
// 20-Jul-1999 :: IE4+ bug fix (Thanks Peter!)
// 23-Apr-1999 :: Use an entirely different method for menu setup
//                Array name isn't hardcoded in the relate() function, 
//                so several URPMs can be embedded in the same page
//                Fixed a couple of bugs

<!-- Begin: URPM Setup -->
var v = false;
var m = null;
var i = null;
// Set all menu trees to null to avoid any error in JavaScript 1.0 browsers -->

var urpm = self; // frame work-around
// urpm = parent.dummy; // Set the target to the relevant frame
// Comment out the above if you don't intend to use frames

function get(form)
   // loop thru document.forms property and exit w/ current form index
   var num = -1;
   for (var i = 0; i < document.forms.length; i++) {
      if (document.forms[i] == form) {
         num = i; // save form index
   return num; // returns current form index

function sindex(num, offset, elt)
   // sel finds selected index of num + offset's form elt's element
   // in this case elt is always 0, or first select menu in each form
   var sel = document.forms[ num + offset ].elements[elt].selectedIndex;
   if (sel < 0) sel = 0;
   return sel;

function jmp(form, elt)
{ // urpm.location added for optional navigation to named frames
   if (form != null) {
      with (form.elements[elt]) {
         if (0 <= selectedIndex)
            urpm.location = options[selectedIndex].value; // jump to selected option's value

function update(num, elt, m)
{ // updates submenus - form(num)'s menu options, and all submenus
   // if refd form exists
   if (num != -1) {
      num++; // reference next form, assume it follows in HTML
      with (document.forms[num].elements[elt]) {
         for (var i = options.length - 1; 0 < i; i--)
            options[i] = null; // null out options in reverse order (bug work-around)
         for (var i = 0; i < m.length; i++) {
            options[i] = new Option(m[i].text, m[i].value); // fill up next menu's items
         options[0].selected = true; // default to 1st menu item, windows bug kludge
      if (m[0].length != 0) {
         update(num, elt, m[0]); // update subsequent form if any grandchild menu exists

function relate(form, elt, tree, depth)
{ // relate submenus based on sel of form - calls update to redef submenus
   if (v) {
      var num = get(form); // fetch the current form index
      var a = tree;        // set a to be the tree array
      while (a != null && --depth != -1)
         // traverse menu tree until we reach the corresponding option record
         a = a[sindex(num, -depth, elt)];
      // at depth 3, should end up w/ something like a[i][j][k]
      // where each index holds the value of s(elected )index in related form select elts
      if (a != null && a.length) {
         // if a array exists and it has elements,
         // feed update() w/ this record reference
         update(num, elt, a); 
   // if a hasn't any array elements or new Option unsupported then end up here ;)
   jmp(form, elt); // make like a live popup

// Internet Explorer 4+ bug fix:
// IE4+ remembers the index of each SELECT but NOT the CONTENTS of each SELECT, 
// so it gets it wrong.
// Thanks to Peter Belesis ( for pointing this out.

function resetIE() {
   for (var i = 0; i < document.forms.length; i++) {

if (document.all)
   window.onload = resetIE;

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript1.1" TYPE="text/javascript">
<!-- This script can also be referenced externally...

// Check if Option constructor is supported
if ((typeof(Option) + "") != "undefined") v = true;

// This constructor works equally well for 2D,3D and over
function O(text, value, submenu)
   this.text = text;
   this.value = value;
   this.length = 0;
   if (submenu != null) {
      // submenu is an array of options...
      for (var i = 0; i < submenu.length; ) {
         this[i] = submenu[i];
         this.length = ++i;
<!-- End: URPM API -->

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript1.1" TYPE="text/javascript">
if (v) {

  m = new Array(

    new Array(

      new O("3-D Animation","/3d/", new Array(

        new O("Lesson56","/3d/lesson56/", new Array(

          new O("56.1","/3d/lesson56/", null),

          new O("56.2","/3d/lesson56/part2.html",null),

          new O("56.3","/3d/lesson56/part3.html",null))


        new O("Lesson57","/3d/lesson57/", new Array(

          new O("57.1","/3d/lesson57/", null),

          new O("57.2","/3d/lesson57/part2.html",null),

          new O("57.3","/3d/lesson57/part3.html",null))


        new O("Lesson58","/3d/lesson58/", new Array(

          new O("58.1","/3d/lesson58/", null),

          new O("58.2","/3d/lesson58/part2.html",null),

          new O("58.3","/3d/lesson58/part3.html",null))


        new O("Lesson59","/3d/lesson59/", new Array(

          new O("59.1","/3d/lesson59/", null),

          new O("59.2","/3d/lesson59/part2.html",null),

          new O("59.3","/3d/lesson59/part3.html",null))



      new O("Design","/dlab/", new Array(

        new O("About","/dlab/about.html", new Array(

          new O("About.1","/3d/lesson56/", null),

          new O("About.2","/3d/lesson56/part2.html",null),

          new O("About.3","/3d/lesson56/part3.html",null))


        new O("Books","/dlab/books/", new Array(

          new O("Books.1","/3d/lesson56/", null),

          new O("Books.2","/3d/lesson56/part2.html",null),

          new O("Books.3","/3d/lesson56/part3.html",null))


        new O("Dessert Links","/dlab/dessert.html", new Array(

          new O("Dessert Links.1","/3d/lesson56/", null),

          new O("Dessert Links.2","/3d/lesson56/part2.html",null),

          new O("Dessert Links.3","/3d/lesson56/part3.html",null))


        new O("People Say","/dlab/peoplesay.html", new Array(

          new O("People Say.1","/3d/lesson56/", null),

          new O("People Say.2","/3d/lesson56/part2.html",null),

          new O("People Say.3","/3d/lesson56/part3.html",null))



      new O("DHTML","/dhtml/", new Array(

        new O("Dynomat","/dhtml/dynomat/", new Array(

          new O("Dynomat.1","/3d/lesson56/", null),

          new O("Dynomat.2","/3d/lesson56/part2.html",null),

          new O("Dynomat.3","/3d/lesson56/part3.html",null))


        new O("Diner","/dhtml/diner/", null /*new Array(

          new O("Diner.1","/3d/lesson56/", null),

          new O("Diner.2","/3d/lesson56/part2.html",null),

          new O("Diner.3","/3d/lesson56/part3.html",null))*/


        new O("Hiermenus","/dhtml/hiermenus/", new Array(

          new O("Hiermenus.1","/3d/lesson56/", null),

          new O("Hiermenus.2","/3d/lesson56/part2.html",null),

          new O("Hiermenus.3","/3d/lesson56/part3.html",null))


        new O("About","/dhtml/about.html", new Array(

          new O("About.1","/3d/lesson56/", null),

          new O("About.2","/3d/lesson56/part2.html",null),

          new O("About.3","/3d/lesson56/part3.html",null))



// You can null out the above subarray as shown below:


//      new O("DHTML","/dhtml/", null /*new Array(

//        new O("Dynomat","/dhtml/dynomat/", null),

//        new O("Diner","/dhtml/diner/", null),

//        new O("Hiermenus","/dhtml/hiermenus/", null),

//        new O("About","/dhtml/about.html", null))*/

//      ),

      new O("Graphics","/graphics/", new Array(

        new O("Bio","/graphics/bio.html", new Array(

          new O("Bio.1","/3d/lesson56/", null),

          new O("Bio.2","/3d/lesson56/part2.html",null),

          new O("Bio.3","/3d/lesson56/part3.html",null))


        new O("Column1","/graphics/column1/", new Array(

          new O("Column1.1","/3d/lesson56/", null),

          new O("Column1.2","/3d/lesson56/part2.html",null),

          new O("Column1.3","/3d/lesson56/part3.html",null))


        new O("Column2","/graphics/column2/", new Array(

          new O("Column2.1","/3d/lesson56/", null),

          new O("Column2.2","/3d/lesson56/part2.html",null),

          new O("Column2.3","/3d/lesson56/part3.html",null))


        new O("Column3","/graphics/column3/", new Array(

          new O("Column3.1","/3d/lesson56/", null),

          new O("Column3.2","/3d/lesson56/part2.html",null),

          new O("Column3.3","/3d/lesson56/part3.html",null))



      new O("HTML","/html/", new Array(

        new O("About","/html/about/", new Array(

          new O("About.1","/3d/lesson56/", null),

          new O("About.2","/3d/lesson56/part2.html",null),

          new O("About.3","/3d/lesson56/part3.html",null))


        new O("What's New","/html/new/", new Array(

          new O("What's New.1","/3d/lesson56/", null),

          new O("What's New.2","/3d/lesson56/part2.html",null),

          new O("What's New.3","/3d/lesson56/part3.html",null))


        new O("Tutorials","/html/tutorials/", new Array(

          new O("Tutorials.1","/3d/lesson56/", null),

          new O("Tutorials.2","/3d/lesson56/part2.html",null),

          new O("Tutorials.3","/3d/lesson56/part3.html",null))


        new O("Style Watch","/html/watch/", new Array(

          new O("Style Watch.1","/3d/lesson56/", null),

          new O("Style Watch.2","/3d/lesson56/part2.html",null),

          new O("Style Watch.3","/3d/lesson56/part3.html",null))



      new O("JavaScript","/js/", new Array(

        new O("About","/js/about.html", new Array(

          new O("About.1","/3d/lesson56/", null),

          new O("About.2","/3d/lesson56/part2.html",null),

          new O("About.3","/3d/lesson56/part3.html",null))


        new O("Jx Pharmacy","/js/pharmacy/", new Array(

          new O("Jx Pharmacy.1","/3d/lesson56/", null),

          new O("Jx Pharmacy.2","/3d/lesson56/part2.html",null),

          new O("Jx Pharmacy.3","/3d/lesson56/part3.html",null))


        new O("Column1","/js/column1/", new Array(

          new O("Column1.1","/3d/lesson56/", null),

          new O("Column1.2","/3d/lesson56/part2.html",null),

          new O("Column1.3","/3d/lesson56/part3.html",null))


        new O("Column2","/js/column2/", new Array(

          new O("Column2.1","/3d/lesson56/", null),

          new O("Column2.2","/3d/lesson56/part2.html",null),

          new O("Column2.3","/3d/lesson56/part3.html",null))


        new O("Column3","/js/column3/", new Array(

          new O("Column3.1","/3d/lesson56/", null),

          new O("Column3.2","/3d/lesson56/part2.html",null),

          new O("Column3.3","/3d/lesson56/part3.html",null))




    new Array(

      new O("Authoring","/authoring/", new Array(

        new O("Collections","/authoring/collections.html", new Array(

          new O("Collections.1","/3d/lesson56/", null),

          new O("Collections.2","/3d/lesson56/part2.html",null),

          new O("Collections.3","/3d/lesson56/part3.html",null))


        new O("Design","/authoring/design/", new Array(

          new O("Design.1","/3d/lesson56/", null),

          new O("Design.2","/3d/lesson56/part2.html",null),

          new O("Design.3","/3d/lesson56/part3.html",null))



      new O("Internet","/internet/", new Array(

        new O("Collections","/internet/collections.html", new Array(

          new O("Collections.1","/3d/lesson56/", null),

          new O("Collections.2","/3d/lesson56/part2.html",null),

          new O("Collections.3","/3d/lesson56/part3.html",null))


        new O("Conferences","/internet/conferences.html", new Array(

          new O("Conferences.1","/3d/lesson56/", null),

          new O("Conferences.2","/3d/lesson56/part2.html",null),

          new O("Conferences.3","/3d/lesson56/part3.html",null))


        new O("Discussion","/internet/discussion.html", new Array(

          new O("Discussion.1","/3d/lesson56/", null),

          new O("Discussion.2","/3d/lesson56/part2.html",null),

          new O("Discussion.3","/3d/lesson56/part3.html",null))





  i = new Array(

    new Array( // news channels

      new O("","",null),

      new O("InternetNews Radio","",null),

      new O("atNewYork","",null),

      new O("NewsLinx","",null)


    new Array( // web dev channels

      new O("","",null),

      new O("","",null),

      new O("","",null)




// Initialize above menu trees if Option constructor is supported -->

<BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" TEXT="#000000" ALINK="#666666" LINK="#0000CC" VLINK="#CC0099">

<H1 ALIGN=CENTER>Two, Three or More (!) Related Menus</H1>

<H2 ALIGN=CENTER><EM>Universal Related Popup Menus</EM></H2>

<P><A NAME="bi">&#160;</A>


<TD>Pick an Channel:<BR><FORM NAME="fi1" METHOD="POST"
ACTION="/cgi-bin/redirect.cgi" onSubmit="return false;">
<SELECT NAME="i1" ID="i1" CLASS=saveHistory 
onChange="relate(this.form, 0, i, 1)">
<OPTION VALUE="news.html">Internet News
<OPTION VALUE="webdev.html">Web Developer
<OPTION VALUE="marketing.html">Internet Marketing


<TD>Pick a Web Site:<BR><FORM NAME="fi2" METHOD="POST"
ACTION="/cgi-bin/redirect.cgi" onSubmit="return false;">
<SELECT NAME="i2" ID="i2" CLASS=saveHistory onChange="jmp(this.form,0);">
<OPTION VALUE="">InternetNews Radio



<TR VALIGN="TOP"><TD>Choose a subject:<BR><FORM NAME="f1" METHOD="POST"
ACTION="/cgi-bin/redirect.cgi" onSubmit="return false;">
<SELECT NAME="m1" ID="m1" CLASS=saveHistory 
onChange="relate(this.form, 0, m, 1)">
<OPTION VALUE="/experts/">Experts<OPTION
<INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT VALUE="Go" onClick="jmp(this.form,0);">
<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="baseurl" VALUE="">

<TD>Choose a topic:<BR><FORM NAME="f2" METHOD="POST"
ACTION="/cgi-bin/redirect.cgi" onSubmit="return false;">
<SELECT NAME="m2" ID="m2" CLASS=saveHistory 
onChange="relate(this.form, 0, m, 2)">
<!--      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
This is where it gets tricky : we have to know the current selection of the
previous menu. I assume the forms follow each other

Michael Guitton
<OPTION VALUE="/3d/">3-D Animation
<OPTION VALUE="/dlab/">Design
<OPTION VALUE="/dhtml/">Dynamic HTML
<OPTION VALUE="/graphics/">Graphics
<OPTION VALUE="/js/">JavaScript</SELECT>
<INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT VALUE="Go" onClick="jmp(this.form,0);">
<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="baseurl" VALUE="">

<TD>Choose a subtopic:<BR><FORM NAME="f3" METHOD="POST"
ACTION="/cgi-bin/redirect.cgi" onSubmit="return false;">
<SELECT NAME="m3" ID="m3" CLASS=saveHistory 
onChange="relate(this.form, 0, m, 3)">
<OPTION VALUE="/3d/lesson56/">Lesson56
<OPTION VALUE="/3d/lesson57/">Lesson57
<OPTION VALUE="/3d/lesson58/">Lesson58
<OPTION VALUE="/3d/lesson59/">Lesson59
<INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT VALUE="Go" onClick="jmp(this.form,0);">
<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="baseurl" VALUE="">


<TD>Choose a sub-subtopic:<BR><FORM NAME="f4" METHOD="POST"
ACTION="/cgi-bin/redirect.cgi" onSubmit="return false;">
<SELECT NAME="m4" ID="m4" CLASS=saveHistory 
<OPTION VALUE="/3d/lesson56/">PAGE1
<OPTION VALUE="/3d/lesson56/part2.html">PAGE2
<OPTION VALUE="/3d/lesson56/part3.html">PAGE3
<INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT VALUE="Go" onClick="jmp(this.form,0);">
<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="baseurl" VALUE="">



<PRE><SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript" LANGUAGE="JavaScript1.1">
var count;

function printItems(m, shift, level)
   if (m != null) {
      var label = 'Item ' + ((m.text) ? m.text : count);

      document.writeln(shift + '// Begin ' + label);
      for (var i = 0; i < m.length; i++) {
         document.writeln(shift + level + ": " + m[i].text, " => ", m[i].value);
         if (m[i].length) {
            printItems(m[i], shift + ' ', level + 1);
      document.writeln(shift + '// End ' + label);
      document.writeln(shift + '// Null item ' + count);

for (count = 0; count < m.length; count++) {
  printItems(m[count], '', 0);




Related examples in the same category

1.2D Related Comboboxes
2.3D related comboboxes
3.Combobox with cell renderer