Drag still : Drag Drop « GUI Components « JavaScript DHTML

Drag still

 /* CopyRight. www.youngpup.net*/

<script language="javascript">
 * dom-drag.js
 * 09.25.2001
 * www.youngpup.net
 * 10.28.2001 - fixed minor bug where events
 * sometimes fired off the handle, not the root.

var Drag = {

  obj : null,

  init : function(o, oRoot, minX, maxX, minY, maxY, bSwapHorzRef, bSwapVertRef, fXMapper, fYMapper)
    o.onmousedown  = Drag.start;

    o.hmode      = bSwapHorzRef ? false : true ;
    o.vmode      = bSwapVertRef ? false : true ;

    o.root = oRoot && oRoot != null ? oRoot : o ;

    if (o.hmode  && isNaN(parseInt(o.root.style.left  ))) o.root.style.left   = "0px";
    if (o.vmode  && isNaN(parseInt(o.root.style.top   ))) o.root.style.top    = "0px";
    if (!o.hmode && isNaN(parseInt(o.root.style.right ))) o.root.style.right  = "0px";
    if (!o.vmode && isNaN(parseInt(o.root.style.bottom))) o.root.style.bottom = "0px";

    o.minX  = typeof minX != 'undefined' ? minX : null;
    o.minY  = typeof minY != 'undefined' ? minY : null;
    o.maxX  = typeof maxX != 'undefined' ? maxX : null;
    o.maxY  = typeof maxY != 'undefined' ? maxY : null;

    o.xMapper = fXMapper ? fXMapper : null;
    o.yMapper = fYMapper ? fYMapper : null;

    o.root.onDragStart  = new Function();
    o.root.onDragEnd  = new Function();
    o.root.onDrag    = new Function();

  start : function(e)
    var o = Drag.obj = this;
    e = Drag.fixE(e);
    var y = parseInt(o.vmode ? o.root.style.top  : o.root.style.bottom);
    var x = parseInt(o.hmode ? o.root.style.left : o.root.style.right );
    o.root.onDragStart(x, y);

    o.lastMouseX  = e.clientX;
    o.lastMouseY  = e.clientY;

    if (o.hmode) {
      if (o.minX != null)  o.minMouseX  = e.clientX - x + o.minX;
      if (o.maxX != null)  o.maxMouseX  = o.minMouseX + o.maxX - o.minX;
    } else {
      if (o.minX != null) o.maxMouseX = -o.minX + e.clientX + x;
      if (o.maxX != null) o.minMouseX = -o.maxX + e.clientX + x;

    if (o.vmode) {
      if (o.minY != null)  o.minMouseY  = e.clientY - y + o.minY;
      if (o.maxY != null)  o.maxMouseY  = o.minMouseY + o.maxY - o.minY;
    } else {
      if (o.minY != null) o.maxMouseY = -o.minY + e.clientY + y;
      if (o.maxY != null) o.minMouseY = -o.maxY + e.clientY + y;

    document.onmousemove  = Drag.drag;
    document.onmouseup    = Drag.end;

    return false;

  drag : function(e)
    e = Drag.fixE(e);
    var o = Drag.obj;

    var ey  = e.clientY;
    var ex  = e.clientX;
    var y = parseInt(o.vmode ? o.root.style.top  : o.root.style.bottom);
    var x = parseInt(o.hmode ? o.root.style.left : o.root.style.right );
    var nx, ny;

    if (o.minX != null) ex = o.hmode ? Math.max(ex, o.minMouseX) : Math.min(ex, o.maxMouseX);
    if (o.maxX != null) ex = o.hmode ? Math.min(ex, o.maxMouseX) : Math.max(ex, o.minMouseX);
    if (o.minY != null) ey = o.vmode ? Math.max(ey, o.minMouseY) : Math.min(ey, o.maxMouseY);
    if (o.maxY != null) ey = o.vmode ? Math.min(ey, o.maxMouseY) : Math.max(ey, o.minMouseY);

    nx = x + ((ex - o.lastMouseX) * (o.hmode ? 1 : -1));
    ny = y + ((ey - o.lastMouseY) * (o.vmode ? 1 : -1));

    if (o.xMapper)    nx = o.xMapper(y)
    else if (o.yMapper)  ny = o.yMapper(x)

    Drag.obj.root.style[o.hmode ? "left" : "right"] = nx + "px";
    Drag.obj.root.style[o.vmode ? "top" : "bottom"] = ny + "px";
    Drag.obj.lastMouseX  = ex;
    Drag.obj.lastMouseY  = ey;

    Drag.obj.root.onDrag(nx, ny);
    return false;

  end : function()
    document.onmousemove = null;
    document.onmouseup   = null;
    Drag.obj.root.onDragEnd(  parseInt(Drag.obj.root.style[Drag.obj.hmode ? "left" : "right"]), 
                  parseInt(Drag.obj.root.style[Drag.obj.vmode ? "top" : "bottom"]));
    Drag.obj = null;

  fixE : function(e)
    if (typeof e == 'undefined') e = window.event;
    if (typeof e.layerX == 'undefined') e.layerX = e.offsetX;
    if (typeof e.layerY == 'undefined') e.layerY = e.offsetY;
    return e;

<script language="javascript">
  Drag.init(document.getElementById("p"), null, null, null, null, null, false, true);
  Drag.init(document.getElementById("g"), null, null, null, null, null, true, true);
  Drag.init(document.getElementById("b"), null, null, null, null, null, false, false);

   <img id="p" src="p.gif" style="position: absolute; left: 50px; bottom: 20px;">
   <img id="g" src="g.gif" style="position: absolute; right: 20px; bottom: 100px;">
   <img id="b" src="b.gif" style="position: absolute; left: 60px; top: 20px;">



DragStill.zip( 2 k)

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