Animation along a Circle : Animation « GUI Components « JavaScript DHTML

Animation along a Circle

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" 
     Example File From "JavaScript and DHTML Cookbook"
     Published by O'Reilly & Associates
     Copyright 2003 Danny Goodman
<title>Circle Animation </title>
<style rel="stylesheet" id="mainStyle" type="text/css">
html {background-color:#cccccc}
body {background-color:#eeeeee; font-family:Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size:12px;
    margin-left:15%; margin-right:15%; border:3px groove darkred; padding:15px}
h1 {text-align:right; font-size:1.5em; font-weight:bold}
h2 {text-align:left; font-size:1.1em; font-weight:bold; text-decoration:underline}
.buttons {margin-top:10px}


<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
// animation object holds numerous properties related to motion
var anime = new Object();

// initialize default anime object
function initAnime() {
    anime = {elemID:"", 

// stuff animation object with necessary explicit and calculated values
function initCircAnime(elemID, startX, startY, pts, radius) {
    anime.elemID = elemID;
    anime.xCurr = anime.xStart = startX;
    anime.yCurr = anime.yStart = startY;
    anime.pts = pts;
    anime.radius = radius;
    // set element's start position
    document.getElementById(elemID).style.left = startX + "px";
    document.getElementById(elemID) = startY + "px";
    // start the repeated invocation of the animation
    anime.interval = setInterval("doCircAnimation()", 10);

function doCircAnimation() {
    if ( < anime.pts) {
        var x = anime.xCurr + 
           Math.round(Math.cos( * (Math.PI/(anime.pts/2))) * anime.radius);
        var y = anime.yCurr + 
           Math.round(Math.sin( * (Math.PI/(anime.pts/2))) * anime.radius);
        document.getElementById(anime.elemID). style.left = x + "px";
        document.getElementById(anime.elemID). = y + "px";
        anime.xCurr = x;
        anime.yCurr = y;;
    } else {
        document.getElementById(anime.elemID).style.left = anime.xStart + "px";
        document.getElementById(anime.elemID) = anime.yStart + "px";

<body style="height:400px;"  onload="initAnime()">
<h1>Circular Animation</h1>
<hr />
<input type="button" value="Circle" 
onclick="initCircAnime('block', 400, 200, 36, 20)">

<div id="block" style="position:absolute; top:200px; left:400px; height:200px; width:200px; background-color:orange"></div>



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