Using the onPropertyChange Property : RadioButton Radio « Form Control « JavaScript DHTML

Using the onPropertyChange Property


JavaScript Bible, Fourth Edition
by Danny Goodman 

John Wiley & Sons CopyRight 2001

<TITLE>onPropertyChange Event Handler</TITLE>
function normalText() {
    myP.innerText = "This is a sample paragraph."
function shortText() {
    myP.innerText = "Short stuff."
function normalColor() { = "black"
function hotColor() { = "red"

function showChange() {
    var objID =
    var propName = event.propertyName
    var newValue = eval(objID + "." + propName)
    status = "The " + propName + " property of the " + objID
    status += " object has changed to \"" + newValue + "\"."
<H1>onPropertyChange Event Handler</H1>
<P ID="myP" onPropertyChange = "showChange()">This is a sample paragraph.</P>
Text: <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="btn1" CHECKED onClick="normalText()">Normal
      <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="btn1" onClick="shortText()">Short
Color: <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="btn2" CHECKED onClick="normalColor()">Black
       <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="btn2" onClick="hotColor()">Red

Related examples in the same category

1.'defaultChecked' Example
2.Radio Button status Example
3.Check a Radio Button
4.Radio buttons in a form
5.Radio action
6.Methods and Properties of the Radio Object
7.Determining the Value of the Selected Radio Button
8.Scripting a Group of Radio Objects
9.Finding the Selected Button in a Radio Group
10.An onClick event Handler for Radio Buttons
11.Get the radio button selection
12.Get the select radio button and its value
13.Cycle the selected radio buttons