Handle error : Debug « Development « JavaScript DHTML

Handle error

Examples From
JavaScript: The Definitive Guide, Fourth Edition

Legal matters: these files were created by David Flanagan, and are
Copyright (c) 2001 by David Flanagan.  You may use, study, modify, and
distribute them for any purpose.  Please note that these examples are
provided "as-is" and come with no warranty of any kind.

David Flanagan
// A variable we use to ensure that each error window we create is unique.
var error_count = 0;

// Set this variable to your email address.
var email = "myname@mydomain.com";

// Define the error handler. It generates an HTML form so
// the user can report the error to the author.
function report_error(msg, url, line)
   var w = window.open("",                    // URL (none specified)
                       "error"+error_count++, // Name (force it to be unique)
                       "resizable,status,width=625,height=400"); // Features
   // Get the document object of the new window.
   var d = w.document;    

   // Output an HTML document, including a form, into the new window.
   // Note that we omit the optional call to Document.open()
   d.write('<div align="center">');
   d.write('<font size="7" face="helvetica"><b>');
   d.write('OOPS.... A JavaScript Error Has Occurred!');
   d.write('</b></font><br><hr size="4" width="80%">');
   d.write('<form action="mailto:' + email + '" method=post');
   d.write(' enctype="text/plain">');
   d.write('<font size="3">');
   d.write('<i>Click the "Report Error" button to send a bug report.</i><br>');
   d.write('<input type="submit" value="Report Error">&nbsp;&nbsp;');
   d.write('<input type="button" value="Dismiss" onclick="self.close();">');
   d.write('</div><div align="right">');
   d.write('<br>Your name <i>(optional)</i>: ');
   d.write('<input size="42" name="name" value="">');
   d.write('<br>Error Message: ');
   d.write('<input size="42" name="message" value="' + msg + '">');
   d.write('<br>Document: <input size="42" name="url" value="' + url + '">');
   d.write('<br>Line Number: <input size="42" name="line" value="'+line +'">');
   d.write('<br>Browser Version: ');
   d.write('<input size="42" name="version" value="'+navigator.userAgent+'">');
   // Remember to close the document when we're done.

   // Return true from this error handler, so that JavaScript does not
   // display its own error dialog.
   return true;

// Before the event handler can take effect, we have to register it
// for a particular window.
self.onerror = report_error;

// The following line of code purposely causes an error as a test.


Related examples in the same category

1.debug function displays plain-text debugging messages
2.Debug function
3.Debugging Using alert() Methods 'html'