Extending the Date Object to Include Some New Methods
<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript1.1">
Date.prototype.getActualMonth = getActualMonth;
Date.prototype.getActualDay = getActualDay;
Date.prototype.getCalendarDay = getCalendarDay;
Date.prototype.getCalendarMonth = getCalendarMonth;
function getActualMonth() {
var n = this.getMonth();
n += 1;
return n;
function getActualDay() {
var n = this.getDay();
n += 1;
return n;
function getCalendarDay() {
var n = this.getDay();
var dow = new Array(7);
dow[0] = "Sunday";
dow[1] = "Monday";
dow[2] = "Tuesday";
dow[3] = "Wednesday";
dow[4] = "Thursday";
dow[5] = "Friday";
dow[6] = "Saturday";
return dow[n];
function getCalendarMonth() {
var n = this.getMonth();
var moy = new Array(12);
moy[0] = "January";
moy[1] = "February";
moy[2] = "March";
moy[3] = "April";
moy[4] = "May";
moy[5] = "June";
moy[6] = "July";
moy[7] = "August";
moy[8] = "September";
moy[9] = "October";
moy[10] = "November";
moy[11] = "December";
return moy[n];
// Test the new methods you created
var today = new Date();
document.write("<b>I hereby declare that on "
+ today.getCalendarDay() + ", the " + today.getDate()
+ "th day of " + today.getCalendarMonth() + " in the year "
+ today.getFullYear() + " A.D. at the " + today.getHours()
+ "th hour of the day, absolutely nothing is happening.</b>");
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