Extending the Date Object to Include Some New Methods : Date « Development « JavaScript DHTML

Extending the Date Object to Include Some New Methods

<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript1.1">
  Date.prototype.getActualMonth = getActualMonth;
  Date.prototype.getActualDay = getActualDay;
  Date.prototype.getCalendarDay = getCalendarDay;
  Date.prototype.getCalendarMonth = getCalendarMonth;
     function getActualMonth() {
    var n = this.getMonth();
    n += 1;
    return n;
  function getActualDay() {
    var n = this.getDay();
    n += 1;
    return n;
  function getCalendarDay() {
    var n = this.getDay();
    var dow = new Array(7);
    dow[0] = "Sunday";
    dow[1] = "Monday";
    dow[2] = "Tuesday";
    dow[3] = "Wednesday";
    dow[4] = "Thursday";
    dow[5] = "Friday";
    dow[6] = "Saturday";
    return dow[n];
  function getCalendarMonth() {
    var n = this.getMonth();
    var moy = new Array(12);
    moy[0] = "January";
    moy[1] = "February";
    moy[2] = "March";
    moy[3] = "April";
    moy[4] = "May";
    moy[5] = "June";
    moy[6] = "July";
    moy[7] = "August";
    moy[8] = "September";
    moy[9] = "October";
    moy[10] = "November";
    moy[11] = "December";
    return moy[n];
     // Test the new methods you created
  var today = new Date();
  document.write("<b>I hereby declare that on "
    + today.getCalendarDay() + ", the " + today.getDate()
    + "th day of " + today.getCalendarMonth() + " in the year "
    + today.getFullYear() + " A.D. at the " + today.getHours()
    + "th hour of the day, absolutely nothing is happening.</b>");


Related examples in the same category

1.Demo all methods in Date class
2.how many days Between two dates
3.Today's Date
4.Display date: day month year in string
5.Date: date, month, and year.
6.Set date: setDate, setHour
7.UTC time: getUTCDate returns the Universal Coordinated Time
8.Display weekday: name of the current day
9.Display full date : complete date with the day name and month name
10.Display time: continues writing time per second.
11.Date: Week of the year
12.Display current date: year, month day in number
13.Methods and Properties of the Date Object
14.Using the Date Object
15.Output day
16.A Dynamic Welcome Message
17.How Many Days Until Christmas
18.Summer Games Countdown
19.Simple Date Validation
20.GMT Calculator
21.Days Before Next Christmas Xmas
22.Get how many days before a date