euDock 2.0 examples : Dock « Ajax Layer « JavaScript DHTML

euDock 2.0 examples

<title>euDock 2.0 examples</title>
<link type="image/x-icon" href="iconsEuDock/euDock.ico" rel="shortcut icon">

<script language="JavaScript1.3" src="js/euDock.2.0.js"></script>
<script language="JavaScript1.3" src="js/euDock.Image.js"></script>
<script language="JavaScript1.3" src="js/euDock.Ghost.js"></script>
<script language="JavaScript1.3" src="js/euDock.Blank.js"></script>
<script language="JavaScript1.3" src="js/euDock.Label.js"></script>

<table cellpadding=3 style='border:1px solid #8899bb;'>
<tr><td style="border:1px solid #8899bb;">
<center><b>euDock 2.0 Objects Tutorial</b></center>
<tr><td style="border:1px solid #8899bb;">
<center><b>euImage Object:</b></center>
<tr><td style="border:1px solid #8899bb;">
<br>Add inside your &lt;HEAD&gt;&lt;/HEAD&gt; HTML tag:
   &lt;script language="JavaScript1.3" src="js/euDock.Image.js"&gt;&lt;/script&gt;
Object Definition:
       * euImage is the euImage Object inside the "euDock.Image.js" script
       * the common constructor is:
       *    {euImage:{image    : [-(image name)-],
       *              PngObjIE : [-(NoFadingIE_PNG object)-]}}
       *   image    : image name
       *   PngObjIE : (unnecessary)
       *            : This parameter is useful if you use a PNG image in Internet
       *            : Explorer and you are sure that this image will not fade to another.
       *            : For example the PNG images applied to the dock bar
       *            : or the PNG images used in icons with only 1 image
       *            : or the first PNG image in the icons with (fadingType:euFIXED)
       *            : parameter set.
       *            : It may be complex but the performances are improved 
       *            : with PNGs on Internet Explorer
       *            :
       *            : euImageNoFadingIE_PNG : is the object used in this case
       *            :
       *            : (unnecessary) with gif,jpg,(PNGs without alpha) images 
       *            :  or with fading images
   {euImage : {image    : "iconsEuDock/euDock-red.png",
               PngObjIE : euImageNoFadingIE_PNG}}</b>

<tr><td style="border:1px solid #8899bb;">
<center><b>euBlank Object:</b></center>
<tr><td style="border:1px solid #8899bb;">
<br>Add inside your &lt;HEAD&gt;&lt;/HEAD&gt; HTML tag:
   &lt;script language="JavaScript1.3" src="js/euDock.Blank.js"&gt;&lt;/script&gt;
Object Definition:
       * euBlank is the euBlank Object inside the "euDock.Blank.js" script
       * the common constructor is:
       *    {euBlank:{width  : [-width-],
       *              height : [-height-]}}
       * width,height : obvious
       *    instead to use blank gif images, you can use this
       *    object to improve performances
       *    (the browser doesn't consider his hidden dimension)

<tr><td style="border:1px solid #8899bb;">
<center><b>euGhost Object:</b></center>
<tr><td style="border:1px solid #8899bb;">
<br>Add inside your &lt;HEAD&gt;&lt;/HEAD&gt; HTML tag:
   &lt;script language="JavaScript1.3" src="js/euDock.Image.js"&gt;&lt;/script&gt;
   &lt;script language="JavaScript1.3" src="js/euDock.Ghost.js"&gt;&lt;/script&gt;
euGhost need euImage object (inside "euDock.Image.js" script) render engine<br><br>
Object Definition:
       * euGhost is the euGhost Object inside the "euDock.Ghost.js" script
       * the common constructor is:
       *   {euGhost:{
       *             ghost     : [-Ghost Image Name-],
       *             eyeball   : [-Eyeball Image Name-],
       *             eyespot_1 : [-Left  Spot Image Name-],
       *             eyespot_2 : [-Right Spot Image Name-],
       *             shadow    : [-Shadow Image Name-],
       *             shadowPos : {x:[-X Pos-],y:[-Y Pos-]},
       *             spotCoord1: {x:[-X Pos-],y:[-Y Pos-],rad:[-Radius-]},
       *             spotCoord2: {x:[-X Pos-],y:[-Y Pos-],rad:[-Radius-]},
       *             PngObjIE  : [-(NoFadingIE_PNG object)-]
       *         }}
       * ghost , eyeball , eyespot_1 , eyespot_2 , shadow
       *            : these are the images of the ghost object
       * shadowPos  : x and y relative position of the shadow (eyeShadow)
       *      (shadow and shadowPos are not necessary)
       *      (if euGhost doesn't fading, the
       *        eye shadow can be unuseful)
       * spotCoord1 : x and y relative position of the center of 
       * spotCoord2 : left and right eyeball
       *            : rad is the radius in pixel from the center
       * PngObjIE   : euGhost use euImage render Engine and can support
       *            : this parameter descripted before.
       *            : (in this page there is an euGhost [not fading] object in the bar)
       *   euGhost doesn't completely disappear
       *   eyeball, shadow and eyespot(1-2) are always visible
       *   these are euImage objects with:
       *      (PngObjIE  : euImageNoFadingIE_PNG)
       *   parameter set.
             ghost     : "ghostImages/ghost_red-1.png",
             eyeball   : "ghostImages/eyes.png",
             eyespot_1 : "ghostImages/eye-spot-1.png",
             eyespot_2 : "ghostImages/eye-spot-2.png",
             shadow    : "ghostImages/eyes-shadow.png",
             shadowPos : {x:5,y:10},
             spotCoord1: {x:36,y:36,rad:13},
             spotCoord2: {x:72,y:38,rad:7},
             PngObjIE  : euImageNoFadingIE_PNG

<tr><td style="border:1px solid #8899bb;">
<center><b>euLabel Object:</b></center>
<tr><td style="border:1px solid #8899bb;">
<br>Add inside your &lt;HEAD&gt;&lt;/HEAD&gt; HTML tag:
   &lt;script language="JavaScript1.3" src="js/euDock.Label.js"&gt;&lt;/script&gt;
Object Definition:
       * euLabel is the euLabel Object inside the "euDock.Label.js" script
       * the common constructor is:
       *       {euLabel:{
       *             object :[-The object you want inside the euLabel-],
       *             txt    :[-Label text-];
       *             style  :[-CSS Style of the label-],
       *             anchor :[-Hooking Position-],
       *             offsetX:[-X Offset-],
       *             offsetY:[-Y Offset-]}}
       * object : can be every euDock object with his parameters (see the examples)
       * txt    : The text you want inside the label
       * style  : (unnecessary) CSS style of the label 
       *        : (the text is inside a SPAN element)
       * anchor : (euUP,euDOWN,euLEFT,euRIGHT)
       *        : Align to the middle (TOP,DOWN,LEFT,RIGHT) of the Icon
       * offsetX: X and Y offset from
       * offsetY: the previous anchor
             object : {euGhost:{  
                              ghost     : "ghostImages/ghost_purple-1.png",
                              eyeball   : "ghostImages/eyes.png",
                              eyespot_1 : "ghostImages/eye-spot-1.png",
                              eyespot_2 : "ghostImages/eye-spot-2.png",
                              shadow    : "ghostImages/eyes-shadow.png",
                              shadowPos : {x:5,y:10},
                              spotCoord1: {x:36,y:36,rad:13},
                              spotCoord2: {x:72,y:38,rad:7}
             txt     : "HI I'M a &lt;b&gt;GHOST&lt;/b&gt;",
             style   : "border : 1px solid #9Fb6b6;",
             anchor  : euDOWN,
             offsetX : 0,
             offsetY : -120}}</b>
Another example<b>
             object  : {euImage:{image:"iconsEuDock/euDock-purple.png"}},
             txt     : "HI I'M a &lt;b&gt;LABEL&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br&gt;I'm the other line";
             style   : "text-align : center; border : 5px dashed #9Fb6b6;",
             anchor  : euDOWN,
             offsetX : 0,
             offsetY : -120}}</b>

<tr><td style="border:1px solid #8899bb;">
<b>euDock 2.0 can be complex to use</b><br>
<b>(For Developers) I suggest to see all the tutorial sources</b><br>
<tr><td style="border:1px solid #8899bb;">
<center><b>REMEMBER</b><br>Don't forget to put in your page:
<table cellpadding=5>
<tr><td style='border:1px solid #8899bb;'>
<pre><b>&lt;a href=''&gt;
&lt;img src='' border=0&gt;&lt;/a&gt;</b></pre>
<a href=''><img src='littlEuDock.jpg' border=0>
!!!If you don't like (of course) a personal Macumba!!!
<a href='index.html'><b>RETURN TO INDEX</b></a>
<a href=''>
<img src='littlEuDock.jpg' border=0></a>


   var dock = new euDock();
   dock.animFading = euRELATIVE;    
    left      :{euGhost:{    ghost     : "barImages/bar-dockBg-l.png",
                   eyeball   : "barImages/bar-eyes.png",
                   eyespot_1 : "barImages/bar-eye-spot.png",
                   eyespot_2 : "barImages/bar-eye-spot.png",
                   spotCoord1: {x:17,y:16,rad:7},
                   spotCoord2: {x:33,y:17,rad:5},
                   PngObjIE  : euImageNoFadingIE_PNG
        right     :{euImage:{image:"barImages/dockBg-r.png"}}
   dock.addIcon(new Array({euImage  : {image:"iconsEuDock/euDock-red.png",
                                       PngObjIE : euImageNoFadingIE_PNG}}),
   dock.addIcon(new Array({euBlank:{width:100,height:100}},
   dock.addIcon(new Array({euBlank:{width:100,height:100}},
                   ghost     : "ghostImages/ghost_red-1.png",
                   eyeball   : "ghostImages/eyes.png",
                   eyespot_1 : "ghostImages/eye-spot-1.png",
                   eyespot_2 : "ghostImages/eye-spot-2.png",
                   shadow    : "ghostImages/eyes-shadow.png",
                   shadowPos : {x:5,y:10},
                   spotCoord1: {x:36,y:36,rad:13},
                   spotCoord2: {x:72,y:38,rad:7}
   dock.addIcon(new Array({euLabel:{
                txt   :"&nbsp;&nbsp;HI...&nbsp;I'M&nbsp;a&nbsp;<b>LABEL</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;",
                style :"background:#eeefff;border-style:solid;border-color:#9Fb6b6;border-width:3px;",

   dock.addIcon(new Array({euImage  : {image:"iconsEuDock/euDock-red.png",
                           PngObjIE : euImageNoFadingIE_PNG}}),
   dock.addIcon(new Array({euImage:{image:"iconsEuDock/euDock-red.png"}},
                   ghost     : "ghostImages/ghost_purple-1.png",
                   eyeball   : "ghostImages/eyes.png",
                   eyespot_1 : "ghostImages/eye-spot-1.png",
                   eyespot_2 : "ghostImages/eye-spot-2.png",
                   shadow    : "ghostImages/eyes-shadow.png",
                   shadowPos : {x:5,y:10},
                   spotCoord1: {x:36,y:36,rad:13},
                   spotCoord2: {x:72,y:38,rad:7}
                txt   :"&nbsp;&nbsp;HI...&nbsp;I'M&nbsp;a&nbsp;<b>GHOST</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;",
                style :"background:#eeefff;border-style:solid;border-color:#9Fb6b6;border-width:3px;",
   dock.addIcon(new Array({euImage  : {image:"iconsEuDock/euDock-red.png",
                           PngObjIE : euImageNoFadingIE_PNG}}),
   dock.addIcon(new Array({euImage:{image:"iconsEuDock/euDock-gold.png"}},
                txt   :"&nbsp;&nbsp;HI...&nbsp;I'M&nbsp;a&nbsp;<b>LABEL</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;WITH&nbsp;a&nbsp;<b>blankObject</b>&nbsp;inside&nbsp;&nbsp;",
                style :"text-align:center;background:#ffff88;border:5px dashed #9Fb6b6;",

   dock.addIcon(new Array({euImage  : {image:"iconsEuDock/euDock-red.png",
                           PngObjIE : euImageNoFadingIE_PNG}}),
   dock.addIcon(new Array({euImage  : {image:"iconsEuDock/euDock-red.png",
                           PngObjIE : euImageNoFadingIE_PNG}}),
   dock.addIcon(new Array({euImage  : {image:"iconsEuDock/euDock-red.png",
                           PngObjIE : euImageNoFadingIE_PNG}}),
   dock.addIcon(new Array({euImage  : {image:"iconsEuDock/euDock-red.png",
                           PngObjIE : euImageNoFadingIE_PNG}}),

       352 k)

Related examples in the same category

1.Align Tutorial euDock 2.0
2.Not So Simple euDock 2.0
3.Not So Simple Fading Images euDock 2.0
4.euDock 2.0 examples 2
5.Simple Fading Images euDock 2.0