Formatter: format('% d', -100) (the space format specifiers) : Formatter « java.util « Java by API
- Java by API
- java.util
- Formatter
Formatter: format('% d', -100) (the space format specifiers)
import java.util.Formatter;
public class MainClass {
public static void main(String args[]) {
Formatter fmt = new Formatter();
fmt.format("% d", -100);
fmt = new Formatter();
fmt.format("% d", 100);
fmt = new Formatter();
fmt.format("% d", -200);
fmt = new Formatter();
fmt.format("% d", 200);
Related examples in the same category
1. | new Formatter(Appendable a) | | |
2. | Formatter: format('%.15s', String str) (Display at most 15 characters in a string) | | |
3. | Formatter: format('%.4f', 123.1234567) (Format 4 decimal places) | | |
4. | Formatter: format('%4d %4d %4d', 1, 2, 3) | | |
5. | Formatter: format('%16.2e', 123.1234567) (Format to 2 decimal places in a 16 character field) | | |
6. | Formatter: format('|%10.2f|', 123.123) (Right justify by default) | | |
7. | Formatter: format('|%f|%n|%12f|%n|%012f|', 10.12345, 10.12345, 10.12345) (a field-width specifier) | | |
8. | Formatter: format('|%-10.2f|', 123.123) ( left justify ) | | |
9. | Formatter: format('%g', i) | | |
10. | Formatter: format('%n %d%% ', 88) (the %n and %% format specifiers) | | |
11. | Formatter: format('%tB %tb %tm', cal, cal, cal) (Display month by name and number) | | |
12. | Formatter: format('%tc', cal) (Display complete time and date information) | | |
13. | Formatter: format('%te of % < tB, % < tY', cal) | | |
14. | Formatter: format('%tl:%tM', cal, cal) (Display just hour and minute) | | |
15. | Formatter: format('%tr', cal) (Display standard 12-hour time format) | | |
16. | Formatter: format(String format, Object... args) | | |