ByteBuffer: putDouble(double value) : ByteBuffer « java.nio « Java by API

ByteBuffer: putDouble(double value)

import java.nio.ByteBuffer;

public class Main {
  public static void main(String[] argv) throws Exception {
    ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(100);

    // Put values of different types

    // Reset position for reading

    // Retrieve the values
    double d = buf.getDouble();



Related examples in the same category

1.ByteBuffer: allocate(int capacity)
2.ByteBuffer: allocateDirect(int size)
3.ByteBuffer: asCharBuffer()
4.ByteBuffer: asDoubleBuffer()
5.ByteBuffer: asFloatBuffer()
6.ByteBuffer: asLongBuffer()
7.ByteBuffer: asShortBuffer()
8.ByteBuffer: capacity()
9.ByteBuffer: clear()
10.ByteBuffer: compact()
11.ByteBuffer: flip()
12.ByteBuffer: get()
13.ByteBuffer: get(byte[] dst, int offset, int length)
14.ByteBuffer: get(int index)
15.ByteBuffer: getChar()
16.ByteBuffer: getDouble()
17.ByteBuffer: getFloat()
18.ByteBuffer: getInt()
19.ByteBuffer: getLong()
20.ByteBuffer: isDirect()
21.ByteBuffer: limit()
22.ByteBuffer: order()
23.ByteBuffer: order(ByteOrder bo)
24.ByteBuffer: position()
25.ByteBuffer: position(int newPosition)
26.ByteBuffer: put(byte b)
27.ByteBuffer: putChar(char ch)
28.ByteBuffer: putFloat(float value)
29.ByteBuffer: putInt(int i)
30.ByteBuffer: putLong(long value)
31.ByteBuffer: putShort(short value)
32.ByteBuffer: putShort(int index, short value)
33.ByteBuffer: rewind()
34.ByteBuffer: wrap(byte[] array)