Place components at exact locations (x, y, width, height) and then determine how they behave when the window containing them (their parent) is resized : Customized Layout « Swing JFC « Java

Place components at exact locations (x, y, width, height) and then determine how they behave when the window containing them (their parent) is resized


import java.awt.*;
import java.util.*;

 * @(#)   1.0  96/10/12  Eric Swildens  Copyright (c) 1996
 * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software
 * for any purpose is hereby granted provided that this copyright
 * notice appears in all copies.

public class FunLayout implements LayoutManager
// Using this layout manager, you can place components at exact
// locations (x, y, width, height) and then determine how they
// behave when the window containing them (their parent) is resized.
// sample use:
// fun1.html:
//  <title>fun1 example</title>
//  <applet code="fun1.class" width=400 height=300> </applet>
//  import java.applet.Applet;
//  import java.awt.*;
//  public class fun1 extends Applet
//  {
//  public void init()
//    {
//    FunLayout layout = new FunLayout();
//    setLayout(layout);
//    setBackground(Color.lightGray);
//    Button rightButton1 = new Button("Button1");
//    rightButton1.reshape(300, 5, 90, 20);
//    add(rightButton1);
//    layout.movesRight(rightButton1);
//    Button rightButton2 = new Button("Button 2");
//    rightButton2.reshape(200, 5, 90, 20);
//    add(rightButton2);
//    layout.movesRight(rightButton2);
//    Panel midPanel = new Panel();
//    midPanel.reshape(5, 40, 390, 200);
//    midPanel.setBackground(;
//    layout.widthChanges(midPanel);
//    layout.heightChanges(midPanel);
//    add(midPanel);
//    Panel statusBar = new Panel();
//    statusBar.reshape(5, 245, 390, 20);
//    statusBar.setBackground(;
//    layout.movesDown(statusBar);
//    layout.widthChanges(statusBar);
//    add(statusBar);
//    }
//  }
// The above code creates an applet containing 2 buttons, a center panel
// and a status panel.  The two buttons are placed next to each other
// in the upper right.  When the window is sized wider, the buttons
// will move to the right to stick near the edge of the window.
// The midPanel is placed in the center and when the window is sized
// larger (in both dimensions), the panel will grow wider and taller.
// The statusBar is placed on the bottom and sticks to the bottom of
// the panel when it is sized larger or smaller in height (it moves
// down if the window it is contained in is sized to a larger height).
// It will grow wider if the window it is contained in is sized wider.
// The advantage of the FunLayout is that you place components where you
// want them to appear (best when using an interface builder) and still
// have control over what happens during sizing.
// This is the default layout mechanism many interface systems use, such
// as Netscape's IFC.  In fact, if you use this layout manager, you will
// find porting your code to Netscape's IFC much easier, as the layout
// container here is very similar to Netscape's IFC layout mechanism.
// There are only 4 methods which determine how components are resized
//   layout.movesRight(comp);
//   layout.movesDown(comp);
//   layout.widthChanges(comp);
//   layout.heightChanges(comp);
// When you determine which to choose, you should ask "What should the
// component do when the window is sized larger?"
// If you don't call any of the above methods for a component, it will
// simply stay at its current location.
// It's more Fun than a Bag of layouts :-)

private Hashtable _moves;
private Hashtable _negSized;
private Dimension _prevContainerSize;

private final static int MOVES_RIGHT     =  2;
private final static int MOVES_DOWN      =  4;
private final static int HEIGHT_CHANGES  =  8;
private final static int WIDTH_CHANGES   = 16;

public FunLayout()
  _moves = new Hashtable();
  _negSized = new Hashtable();
private int _getMove(Component comp)
  if (!_moves.containsKey(comp))
    return 0;
  return ((Integer)_moves.get(comp)).intValue();
// private methods

private void _setMove(Component comp, int move)
  if (_moves.containsKey(comp))
    move |= ((Integer)_moves.get(comp)).intValue();
  _moves.put(comp, new Integer(move));
// LayoutManager implementation

public void addLayoutComponent(String name, Component c)
  * When the window containing the given component is stretched to a
  * larger height, the given component will grow taller (and shorter
  * when the window is shortened).
  * @param comp the target Component
public void heightChanges(Component comp)
  if ((_getMove(comp) & MOVES_DOWN) > 0)
    System.out.println(getClass() + ":layout conflict for " + comp);
  _setMove(comp, HEIGHT_CHANGES);
public void layoutContainer(Container con)
  int i, count, deltax, deltay, move;
  Dimension conSize;
  Rectangle rect;
  Component comp;

  conSize = con.getSize();
  if (_prevContainerSize == null)
    _prevContainerSize = conSize;
  deltax = conSize.width - _prevContainerSize.width;
  deltay = conSize.height - _prevContainerSize.height;
  _prevContainerSize = conSize;
  count = con.countComponents();
  for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
    comp = con.getComponent(i);
    if (!comp.isVisible())
    move = _getMove(comp);
    if (move == 0)
    rect = comp.getBounds();
    if (_negSized.containsKey(comp))
      // the component is really at a negative size
      rect = (Rectangle)_negSized.get(comp);
    if ((move & MOVES_RIGHT) > 0)
      rect.x += deltax;
    else if ((move & WIDTH_CHANGES) > 0)
      rect.width += deltax;
    if ((move & MOVES_DOWN) > 0)
      rect.y += deltay;
    else if ((move & HEIGHT_CHANGES) > 0)
      rect.height += deltay;
    // if a components size becomes negative, we track it since the AWT
    // does not allow components to have a size < (0, 0)
    if (rect.width < 0 || rect.height < 0)
      _negSized.put(comp, rect);
    comp.setBounds(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height);
public Dimension minimumLayoutSize(Container target)
  return new Dimension(10, 10);
  * When the window containing the given component is stretched to a
  * larger height, the given component will move down (and up
  * when the window is shortened).
  * @param comp the target Component
public void movesDown(Component comp)
  if ((_getMove(comp) & HEIGHT_CHANGES) > 0)
    System.out.println(getClass() + ":layout conflict for " + comp);
  _setMove(comp, MOVES_DOWN);
// public methods

  * When the window containing the given component is widened, the
  * component will move right (and left when the window is shrunk).
  * @param comp the target Component
public void movesRight(Component comp)
  if ((_getMove(comp) & WIDTH_CHANGES) > 0)
    System.out.println(getClass() + ":layout conflict for " + comp);
  _setMove(comp, MOVES_RIGHT);
public Dimension preferredLayoutSize(Container con)
  Component comp;
  Rectangle rect;
  int i, count;
  Dimension d;

  d = new Dimension(0, 0);
  count = con.countComponents();
  for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
    comp = con.getComponent(i);
    if (!comp.isVisible())
    rect = comp.getBounds();
    if (d.width < rect.x + rect.width)
      d.width = rect.x + rect.width;
    if (d.height < rect.y + rect.height)
      d.height = rect.y + rect.height;
  return d;
public void removeLayoutComponent(Component c)
  if (_negSized.containsKey(c))
  * When the window containing the given component is widened, the
  * component will grow wider (and smaller when the window is shrunk).
  * @param comp the target Component
public void widthChanges(Component comp)
  if ((_getMove(comp) & MOVES_RIGHT) > 0)
    System.out.println(getClass() + ":layout conflict for " + comp);
  _setMove(comp, WIDTH_CHANGES);


Related examples in the same category

1.Custom layout: EdgeLayout
2.Customized layout managerCustomized layout manager
4.Applet GUI demo of TreeLayout layout manager
5.Relative Layout Manager for Java J2SE
6.Basically two (or more) columns of different, but constant, widths
8.Table Layout
9.Table Layout implements LayoutManager2
10.Table layout manager
11.Flex Layout
12.Square Layout
13.Center Layout
14.Wrapper Layout
15.Tile Layout
16.Custom Layout DemoCustom Layout Demo
17.X Y Layout
18.DividerLayout is layout that divides two components with the column of actions
19.Stack Layout, uses an orientation to determine if the contents should be arranged horizontally or vertically.
20.A simple layoutmanager to overlay all components of a parent.
21.A layout manager that displays a single component in the center of its container.
22.A layout manager that spaces components over six columns in seven different formats.
23.Compents are laid out in a circle.
24.Special simple layout used in TabbedContainer
25.Specialised layout manager for a grid of components.