No direct interaction with JRootPane : RootPane « Swing JFC « Java

No direct interaction with JRootPane

No direct interaction with JRootPane
Java Swing, 2nd Edition
By Marc Loy, Robert Eckstein, Dave Wood, James Elliott, Brian Cole
ISBN: 0-596-00408-7
Publisher: O'Reilly 
//Similar to RootExample2, but this version uses the setJMenuBar() method
//from JFrame to attach the menu. No (direct) interaction with JRootPane
//is needed.

import javax.swing.JButton;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JMenu;
import javax.swing.JMenuBar;

public class RootExample3 extends JFrame {
  public RootExample3() {
    super("RootPane Menu Demo");
    setSize(220, 100);

    // Create a menu bar
    JMenuBar bar = new JMenuBar();
    JMenu menu = new JMenu("File");

    // Add a button to the content pane
    getContentPane().add(new JButton("Hello World"));

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    RootExample3 re3 = new RootExample3();


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1.Interact directly with the JRootPane of a JFrame
2.Make a JFrame looks like a JDialog
3.An example of interacting directly with the JRootPane of a JFrameAn example of interacting directly with the JRootPane of a JFrame
4.Another example of interacting with the root paneAnother example of interacting with the root pane