grant ability to read any file : Grant « Security « Java

grant ability to read any file

    grant codeBase "" {
        permission "<<ALL FILES>>", "read";


Related examples in the same category

1.Policy File: Give permission to execute all runtime-protected methods
2.Policy File: Use policytool to create or edit an existing policy file
3.grant all classes loaded from ability to read \temp\myfile
4.grant ability to create and write c:\temp\myfile
5.grant ability to list files in the user's home directory
6.grant ability to read any file or directory under c:\temp
7.grant ability to delete any file or directory in c:\temp\mydir
8.grant ability to execute (see Runtime.exec()) the file c:\java.exe
9.grant ability to read and write any file in current directory
10.grant ability to read any file under current directory
11.grant all classes loaded from ability to read the 'myprop' system properties
12.grant ability to write the 'myprop' system properties
13.grant ability to read and write the 'myprop' system properties
14.grant ability to read all properties that start with 'myprops.'
15.grant ability to read all system properties
16.grant ability to write all system properties
17.grant ability to read and write all system properties
18.Policy File: Give permission to read all system properties