String split

public class StyleSplitExample {
public static void main(String args[]) {
String phrase1 = "but simple justice, not charity";
String phrase2 = "but that I love Rome more, not that I love Caesar less";
String phrase3 = "ask what you can do for your country, ask not what your "
+ "country can do for you";
public static String strengthenSentence(String sentence) {
String retval = null;
String[] tokens = null;
String splitPattern = ",";
tokens = sentence.split(splitPattern);
if (tokens == null) {
String msg = " NO MATCH: pattern:" + sentence
+ "\r\n regex: " + splitPattern;
} else {
retval = tokens[1] + ", " + tokens[0];
System.out.println("BEFORE: " + sentence);
System.out.println("AFTER : " + retval + "\n");
return retval;
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