Determine whether the supplied string represents a well-formed fully-qualified Java classname.
* JBoss DNA (
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import java.text.CharacterIterator;
import java.text.StringCharacterIterator;
public class Utils {
* Determine whether the supplied string represents a well-formed fully-qualified Java classname. This utility method enforces
* no conventions (e.g., packages are all lowercase) nor checks whether the class is available on the classpath.
* @param classname
* @return true if the string is a fully-qualified class name
public static boolean isFullyQualifiedClassname( String classname ) {
if (classname == null) return false;
String[] parts = classname.split("[\\.]");
if (parts.length == 0) return false;
for (String part : parts) {
CharacterIterator iter = new StringCharacterIterator(part);
// Check first character (there should at least be one character for each part) ...
char c = iter.first();
if (c == CharacterIterator.DONE) return false;
if (!Character.isJavaIdentifierStart(c) && !Character.isIdentifierIgnorable(c)) return false;
c =;
// Check the remaining characters, if there are any ...
while (c != CharacterIterator.DONE) {
if (!Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(c) && !Character.isIdentifierIgnorable(c)) return false;
c =;
return true;
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