A demonstration of a proxy factory : Proxy « Reflection « Java

A demonstration of a proxy factory


 *     file: SomeClassFactory.java
 *  package: oreilly.hcj.proxies
 * This software is granted under the terms of the Common Public License,
 * CPL, which may be found at the following URL:
 * http://www-124.ibm.com/developerworks/oss/CPLv1.0.htm
 * Copyright(c) 2003-2005 by the authors indicated in the @author tags.
 * All Rights are Reserved by the various authors.
 ########## DO NOT EDIT ABOVE THIS LINE ########## */

import java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Proxy;

 * An invocation handler that counts the number of calls for all methods in the
 * target class.
 * @author <a href=mailto:kraythe@arcor.de>Robert Simmons jr. (kraythe)</a>
 * @version $Revision: 1.2 $
 * @see java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler
class MethodCountingHandler implements InvocationHandler {
  /** The implementation object for this proxy. */
  private final Object impl;

  /** Holds the invocation count. */
  private int invocationCount = 0;

   * Creates a new MethodCOuntingHandler object.
   * @param impl
  public MethodCountingHandler(final Object impl) {
    this.impl = impl;

   * Gets the value of the property invocationCount.
   * @return The current value of invocationCount
  public int getInvocationCount() {
    return invocationCount;

   * @see java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler#invoke(java.lang.Object,
   *      java.lang.reflect.Method, java.lang.Object[])
  public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method meth, Object[] args) throws Throwable {
    try {
      Object result = meth.invoke(impl, args);
      return result;
    } catch (final InvocationTargetException ex) {
      throw ex.getTargetException();

/* ########## End of File ########## */

 * file: SomeClassCountingProxy.java package: oreilly.hcj.proxies
 * This software is granted under the terms of the Common Public License, CPL,
 * which may be found at the following URL:
 * http://www-124.ibm.com/developerworks/oss/CPLv1.0.htm
 * Copyright(c) 2003-2005 by the authors indicated in the @author tags. All
 * Rights are Reserved by the various authors.
 * ########## DO NOT EDIT ABOVE THIS LINE ##########

 * A simple proxy to SomeClass.
 * @author <a href=mailto:kraythe@arcor.de>Robert Simmons jr. (kraythe)</a>
 * @version $Revision: 1.2 $
class SomeClassCountingProxy implements SomeClass {
  /** The implementation object for this proxy. */
  private final SomeClassImpl impl;

  /** Holds the invocation count. */
  private int invocationCount = 0;

   * Creates a new SomeClassProxy object.
   * @param impl
   *          The implementation object for this proxy.
  public SomeClassCountingProxy(final SomeClassImpl impl) {
    this.impl = impl;

   * Gets the value of the property invocationCount.
   * @return The current value of invocationCount
  public int getInvocationCount() {
    return invocationCount;

   * @see oreilly.hcj.proxies.SomeClass#someMethod()
  public void someMethod() {

   * @see oreilly.hcj.proxies.SomeClass#someOtherMethod(java.lang.String)
  public void someOtherMethod(String text) {

/* ########## End of File ########## */

 * A demonstration of a proxy factory.
 * @author <a href=mailto:kraythe@arcor.de>Robert Simmons jr. (kraythe)</a>
 * @version $Revision: 1.2 $
class SomeClassFactory {
  /** Holds the logging object. */

   * Gets a counting proxy to an object that is constructed with the user name.
   * @return The proxy to the implementation.
  public static final SomeClassCountingProxy getCountingProxy() {
    SomeClassImpl impl = new SomeClassImpl(System.getProperty("user.name"));
    return new SomeClassCountingProxy(impl);

   * Gets proxy to depending upon debug status in Log4J.
   * @return The proxy to the implementation.
  public static final SomeClass getDynamicSomeClassProxy() {
    SomeClassImpl impl = new SomeClassImpl(System.getProperty("user.name"));
    InvocationHandler handler = new MethodCountingHandler(impl);
    Class[] interfaces = new Class[] { SomeClass.class };
    ClassLoader loader = SomeClassFactory.class.getClassLoader();
    SomeClass proxy = (SomeClass) Proxy.newProxyInstance(loader, interfaces, handler);
    return proxy;

   * Gets a proxy to an object that is constructed with the user name.
   * @return The proxy to the implementation.
  public static final SomeClassProxy getProxy() {
    SomeClassImpl impl = new SomeClassImpl(System.getProperty("user.name"));
    return new SomeClassProxy(impl);

   * Gets proxy to depending upon debug status in Log4J.
   * @return The proxy to the implementation.
  public static final SomeClass getSomeClassProxy() {
    SomeClassImpl impl = new SomeClassImpl(System.getProperty("user.name"));
    if (true) {
      return new SomeClassCountingProxy(impl);
    } else {
      return new SomeClassProxy(impl);

/* ########## End of File ########## */

 * A demonstration class.
 * @author <a href=mailto:kraythe@arcor.de>Robert Simmons jr. (kraythe)</a>
 * @version $Revision: 1.2 $
interface SomeClass {
   * Print out the user name.
  public abstract void someMethod();

   * Print out the string given to us.
   * @param text
   *          The string to print.
  public abstract void someOtherMethod(final String text);

/* ########## End of File ########## */
 * file: SomeClassImpl.java package: oreilly.hcj.proxies
 * This software is granted under the terms of the Common Public License, CPL,
 * which may be found at the following URL:
 * http://www-124.ibm.com/developerworks/oss/CPLv1.0.htm
 * Copyright(c) 2003-2005 by the authors indicated in the @author tags. All
 * Rights are Reserved by the various authors.
 * ########## DO NOT EDIT ABOVE THIS LINE ##########

 * A class that is proxied.
 * @author <a href=mailto:kraythe@arcor.de>Robert Simmons jr. (kraythe)</a>
 * @version $Revision: 1.2 $
class SomeClassImpl implements SomeClass {
  /** Holds the user name. */
  private String userName;

   * Creates a new SomeClass object.
   * @param userName
   *          The user name to use.
  public SomeClassImpl(final String userName) {
    this.userName = userName;

   * @see oreilly.hcj.proxies.SomeClass#someOtherMethod(java.lang.String)
  public void someMethod() {

   * @see oreilly.hcj.proxies.SomeClass#someOtherMethod(java.lang.String)
  public void someOtherMethod(final String text) {

/* ########## End of File ########## */

 * A simple proxy to SomeClass.
 * @author <a href=mailto:kraythe@arcor.de>Robert Simmons jr. (kraythe)</a>
 * @version $Revision: 1.2 $
class SomeClassProxy implements SomeClass {
  /** The impl object for this proxy. */
  private final SomeClassImpl impl;

   * Creates a new SomeClassProxy object.
   * @param impl
   *          The implementation object for this proxy.
  public SomeClassProxy(final SomeClassImpl impl) {
    this.impl = impl;

   * @see oreilly.hcj.proxies.SomeClass#someMethod()
  public void someMethod() {

   * @see oreilly.hcj.proxies.SomeClass#someOtherMethod(java.lang.String)
  public void someOtherMethod(String text) {

/* ########## End of File ########## */

 * Demonstrates the use of factories to generate proxies.
 * @author <a href=mailto:kraythe@arcor.de>Robert Simmons jr. (kraythe)</a>
 * @version $Revision: 1.2 $
public class DemoCountingProxy {
   * Run the demonstration.
   * @param args
   *          Command Line Arguments (ignored).
  public static final void main(final String[] args) {
    SomeClassCountingProxy proxy = SomeClassFactory.getCountingProxy();
    proxy.someOtherMethod("Our Proxy works!");
    System.out.println("Method Invocation Count = " + proxy.getInvocationCount());
/* ########## End of File ########## */


Related examples in the same category

1.Demonstrates the basic concept of proxies generated by clients to the proxies
2.Demonstrates a dangerous use of proxy names
3.Creating a Proxy Object
4.A dynamic proxy adapter which allows overriding several methods of a target proxy
5.A high-performance factory for dynamic proxy objects
6.This program demonstrates the use of proxies and reflection