Performs broadcast and multicast peer detection. : UDP « Network Protocol « Java

Performs broadcast and multicast peer detection.



import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

 * Performs broadcast and multicast peer detection. How well this
 * works depends on your network configuration
 * @author ryanm
public class PeerDiscovery
  private static final byte QUERY_PACKET = 80;

  private static final byte RESPONSE_PACKET = 81;

   * The group identifier. Determines the set of peers that are able
   * to discover each other
  public final int group;

   * The port number that we operate on
  public final int port;

   * Data returned with discovery
  public int peerData;

  private final DatagramSocket bcastSocket;

  private final InetSocketAddress broadcastAddress;

  private boolean shouldStop = false;

  private List<Peer> responseList = null;

   * Used to detect and ignore this peers response to it's own query.
   * When we send a response packet, we set this to the destination.
   * When we receive a response, if this matches the source, we know
   * that we're talking to ourselves and we can ignore the response.
  private InetAddress lastResponseDestination = null;

   * Redefine this to be notified of exceptions on the listen thread.
   * Default behaviour is to print to stdout. Can be left as null for
   * no-op
  public ExceptionHandler rxExceptionHandler = new ExceptionHandler();

  private Thread bcastListen = new Thread( PeerDiscovery.class.getSimpleName()
      + " broadcast listen thread" ) {
    public void run()
        byte[] buffy = new byte[ 5 ];
        DatagramPacket rx = new DatagramPacket( buffy, buffy.length );

        while( !shouldStop )
            buffy[ 0 ] = 0;

            bcastSocket.receive( rx );

            int recData = decode( buffy, 1 );

            if( buffy[ 0 ] == QUERY_PACKET && recData == group )
              byte[] data = new byte[ 5 ];
              data[ 0 ] = RESPONSE_PACKET;
              encode( peerData, data, 1 );

              DatagramPacket tx =
                  new DatagramPacket( data, data.length, rx.getAddress(), port );

              lastResponseDestination = rx.getAddress();

              bcastSocket.send( tx );
            else if( buffy[ 0 ] == RESPONSE_PACKET )
              if( responseList != null && !rx.getAddress().equals( lastResponseDestination ) )
                synchronized( responseList )
                  responseList.add( new Peer( rx.getAddress(), recData ) );
          catch( SocketException se )
            // someone may have called disconnect()

      catch( Exception e )
        if( rxExceptionHandler != null )
          rxExceptionHandler.handle( e );

   * Constructs a UDP broadcast-based peer
   * @param group
   *           The identifier shared by the peers that will be
   *           discovered.
   * @param port
   *           a valid port, i.e.: in the range 1025 to 65535
   *           inclusive
   * @throws IOException
  public PeerDiscovery( int group, int port ) throws IOException
  { = group;
    this.port = port;

    bcastSocket = new DatagramSocket( port );
    broadcastAddress = new InetSocketAddress( "", port );

    bcastListen.setDaemon( true );

   * Signals this {@link PeerDiscovery} to shut down. This call will
   * block until everything's timed out and closed etc.
  public void disconnect()
    shouldStop = true;


    catch( InterruptedException e )

   * Queries the network and finds the addresses of other peers in
   * the same group
   * @param timeout
   *           How long to wait for responses, in milliseconds. Call
   *           will block for this long, although you can
   *           {@link Thread#interrupt()} to cut the wait short
   * @param peerType
   *           The type flag of the peers to look for
   * @return The addresses of other peers in the group
   * @throws IOException
   *            If something goes wrong when sending the query packet
  public Peer[] getPeers( int timeout, byte peerType ) throws IOException
    responseList = new ArrayList<Peer>();

    // send query byte, appended with the group id
    byte[] data = new byte[ 5 ];
    data[ 0 ] = QUERY_PACKET;
    encode( group, data, 1 );

    DatagramPacket tx = new DatagramPacket( data, data.length, broadcastAddress );

    bcastSocket.send( tx );

    // wait for the listen thread to do its thing
      Thread.sleep( timeout );
    catch( InterruptedException e )

    Peer[] peers;
    synchronized( responseList )
      peers = responseList.toArray( new Peer[ responseList.size() ] );

    responseList = null;

    return peers;

   * Record of a peer
   * @author ryanm
  public class Peer
     * The ip of the peer
    public final InetAddress ip;

     * The data of the peer
    public final int data;

    private Peer( InetAddress ip, int data )
      this.ip = ip; = data;

    public String toString()
      return ip.getHostAddress() + " " + data;

   * Handles an exception.
   * @author ryanm
  public class ExceptionHandler
     * Called whenever an exception is thrown from the listen
     * thread. The listen thread should now be dead
     * @param e
    public void handle( Exception e )

   * @param args
  public static void main( String[] args )
      int group = 6969;

      PeerDiscovery mp = new PeerDiscovery( group, 6969 );

      boolean stop = false;

      BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader( ) );

      while( !stop )
        System.out.println( "enter \"q\" to quit, or anything else to query peers" );
        String s = br.readLine();

        if( s.equals( "q" ) )
          System.out.print( "Closing down..." );
          System.out.println( " done" );
          stop = true;
          System.out.println( "Querying" );

          Peer[] peers = mp.getPeers( 100, ( byte ) 0 );

          System.out.println( peers.length + " peers found" );
          for( Peer p : peers )
            System.out.println( "\t" + p );
    catch( Exception e )

  private static int decode( byte[] b, int index )
    int i = 0;

    i |= b[ index ] << 24;
    i |= b[ index + 1 ] << 16;
    i |= b[ index + 2 ] << 8;
    i |= b[ index + 3 ];

    return i;

  private static void encode( int i, byte[] b, int index )
    b[ index ] = ( byte ) ( i >> 24 & 0xff );
    b[ index + 1 ] = ( byte ) ( i >> 16 & 0xff );
    b[ index + 2 ] = ( byte ) ( i >> 8 & 0xff );
    b[ index + 3 ] = ( byte ) ( i & 0xff );


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