Listening for Hyperlink Events from a JEditorPane Component : Hyperlink « Network Protocol « Java

Listening for Hyperlink Events from a JEditorPane Component



import javax.swing.JEditorPane;
import javax.swing.event.HyperlinkEvent;
import javax.swing.event.HyperlinkListener;

public class Main {
  public static void main(String[] argv) throws Exception{

    String url = "";
    JEditorPane editorPane = new JEditorPane(url);
    editorPane.addHyperlinkListener(new MyHyperlinkListener());

class MyHyperlinkListener implements HyperlinkListener {
  public void hyperlinkUpdate(HyperlinkEvent evt) {
    if (evt.getEventType() == HyperlinkEvent.EventType.ACTIVATED) {
      JEditorPane pane = (JEditorPane) evt.getSource();
      try {
        // Show the new page in the editor pane.
      } catch (IOException e) {


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