Create valid URL from a system id : URL « Network Protocol « Java

Create valid URL from a system id



public final class URLUtil {
  private URLUtil() {

   * Method that tries to figure out how to create valid URL from a system id,
   * without additional contextual information. If we could use URIs this might
   * be easier to do, but they are part of JDK 1.4, and preferably code should
   * only require 1.2 (or maybe 1.3)
  public static URL urlFromSystemId(String sysId) throws IOException {
    try {
       * Ok, does it look like a full URL? For one, you need a colon. Also, to
       * reduce likelihood of collision with Windows paths, let's only accept it
       * if there are 3 preceding other chars... Not sure if Mac might be a
       * problem? (it uses ':' as file path separator, alas, at least prior to
       * MacOS X)
      int ix = sysId.indexOf(':', 0);
       * Also, protocols are generally fairly short, usually 3 or 4 chars (http,
       * ftp, urn); so let's put upper limit of 8 chars too
      if (ix >= 3 && ix <= 8) {
        return new URL(sysId);
      // Ok, let's just assume it's local file reference...
       * 24-May-2006, TSa: Amazingly, this single call does show in profiling,
       * for small docs. The problem is that deep down it tries to check
       * physical file system, to check if the File pointed to is a directory:
       * and that is (relatively speaking) a very expensive call. Since in this
       * particular case it should never be a dir (and/or doesn't matter), let's
       * just implement conversion locally
      String absPath = new;
      // Need to convert colons/backslashes to regular slashes?
        char sep = File.separatorChar;
        if (sep != '/') {
          absPath = absPath.replace(sep, '/');
      if (absPath.length() > 0 && absPath.charAt(0) != '/') {
        absPath = "/" + absPath;
      return new URL("file", "", absPath);
    } catch (MalformedURLException e) {

      return null; // never gets here

  public static URL urlFromSystemId(String sysId, URL ctxt) throws IOException {
    if (ctxt == null) {
      return urlFromSystemId(sysId);
    try {
      return new URL(ctxt, sysId);
    } catch (MalformedURLException e) {

      return null; // never gets here

   * Method that tries to create and return URL that denotes current working
   * directory. Usually used to create a context, when one is not explicitly
   * passed.
  public static URL urlFromCurrentDir() throws /*
                                                                               * an
                                                                               * IOException
     * This seems to work; independent of whether there happens to be such/file
     * dir or not.
    return new File("a").getAbsoluteFile().getParentFile().toURL();

   * Method that tries to get a stream (ideally, optimal one) to read from the
   * specified URL. Currently it just means creating a simple file input stream
   * if the URL points to a (local) file, and otherwise relying on URL classes
   * input stream creation method.
  public static InputStream inputStreamFromURL(URL url) throws IOException {
    if ("file".equals(url.getProtocol())) {
       * As per [WSTX-82], can not do this if the path refers to a network drive
       * on windows. This fixes the problem; might not be needed on all
       * platforms (NFS?), but should not matter a lot: performance penalty of
       * extra wrapping is more relevant when accessing local file system.
      String host = url.getHost();
      if (host == null || host.length() == 0) {
        return new FileInputStream(url.getPath());
    return url.openStream();

   * Method that tries to get a stream (ideally, optimal one) to write to the
   * resource specified by given URL. Currently it just means creating a simple
   * file output stream if the URL points to a (local) file, and otherwise
   * relying on URL classes input stream creation method.
  public static OutputStream outputStreamFromURL(URL url) throws IOException {
    if ("file".equals(url.getProtocol())) {
       * As per [WSTX-82], can not do this if the path refers to a network drive
       * on windows.
      String host = url.getHost();
      if (host == null || host.length() == 0) {
        return new FileOutputStream(url.getPath());
    return url.openConnection().getOutputStream();



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2.Creating a URL With components
3.Converting Between a Filename Path and a URL
4.URL Constructor Test
5.URL Encode Test
6.Get URL Content
7.Get URL Parts
8.Read from a URL
9.Convert a URL to a URI
10.Converting Between a URL and a URI
11.Convert an absolute URI to a URL
12.URL Equality
13.Parsing a URL
14.URL Request
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19.Using URLConnection
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29.Extracts the file name from the URL.
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33.Returns true if the URL represents a path, and false otherwise.
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35.Parse Host
36.Given a URL check if its a jar url(jar:!/archive) and if it is, extract the archive entry into the given dest directory and return a file URL to its location
37.check the validity of url pattern according to the spec.
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45.Get URL Last Modified
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49.Is URL a local file
50.Normalize an URL
51.Normalizes an URL
52.Resolve a relative URL string against an absolute URL string
53.ResourceBundle String manager
54.Save URL contents to a file
55.URL Path: standardize the creation of mutation of path-like structures
56.Utility class for building URLs
57.Add Default Port to a URL If Missing
58.Get Relative Path To URL
59.Download from a URL and save to a file