Color as hex web value
Color c = Color.web("#0000FF",1.0);// blue as a hex web value, explict alpha
Color c = Color.web("#0000FF");// blue as a hex web value, implict alpha
Color c = Color.web("0000FF",1.0);// blue as a hex web value, explict alpha
Color c = Color.web("0000FF");// blue as a hex web value, implict alpha
Related examples in the same category
1. | Create Color from R G B value | | |
2. | Color.DARKBLUE | | |
3. | Create color from web value | | |
4. | Color.TRANSPARENT | | |
5. | Set Rectangle Stroke to Color.BLACK | | |
6. | Names for JavaFX Standard Colors | | |
7. | Using Color constant | | |
8. | standard constructor, use 0->1.0 values, explicit alpha of 1.0 | | |
9. | use 0->1.0 values. implicit alpha of 1.0 | | |
10. | use 0->1.0 values, explicit alpha of 1.0 | | |
11. | use 0->255 integers, implict alpha of 1.0 | | |
12. | use 0->255 integers, explict alpha of 1.0 | | |
13. | hue = 270, saturation & value = 1.0. inplict alpha of 1.0 | | |
14. | hue = 270, saturation & value = 1.0, explict alpha of 1.0 | | |
15. | blue as a hex web value, explict alpha | | |
16. | blue as a hex web value, implict alpha | | |