Use pointer events to draw onto the Canvas

* Use pointer events to draw onto the Canvas
* Example from the book: Core J2ME Technology
* Copyright John W. Muchow
* You may use/modify for any non-commercial purpose
import javax.microedition.midlet.*;
import javax.microedition.lcdui.*;
public class Doodle extends MIDlet
private Display display; // The display
private DoodleCanvas canvas; // Canvas
public Doodle()
display = Display.getDisplay(this);
canvas = new DoodleCanvas(this);
protected void startApp()
display.setCurrent( canvas );
protected void pauseApp()
{ }
protected void destroyApp( boolean unconditional )
{ }
public void exitMIDlet()
* Class DoodleCanvas
* Pointer event handling
class DoodleCanvas extends Canvas implements CommandListener
private Command cmExit; // Exit midlet
private Command cmClear; // Clear display
private int startx = 0, // Where pointer was clicked
starty = 0,
currentx = 0, // Current location
currenty = 0;
private Doodle midlet;
private boolean clearDisplay = false;
* Constructor
public DoodleCanvas(Doodle midlet)
this.midlet = midlet;
// Create exit command & listen for events
cmExit = new Command("Exit", Command.EXIT, 1);
cmClear = new Command("Clear", Command.SCREEN, 1);
* Paint the text representing the key code
protected void paint(Graphics g)
// Clear the background (to white)
if (clearDisplay)
g.setColor(255, 255, 255);
g.fillRect(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight());
clearDisplay = false;
startx = currentx = starty = currenty = 0;
// Draw with black pen
g.setColor(0, 0, 0);
// Draw line
g.drawLine(startx, starty, currentx, currenty);
// New starting point is the current position
startx = currentx;
starty = currenty;
* Command event handling
public void commandAction(Command c, Displayable d)
if (c == cmExit)
else if (c == cmClear)
clearDisplay = true;
* Pointer pressed
protected void pointerPressed(int x, int y)
startx = x;
starty = y;
* Pointer moved
protected void pointerDragged(int x, int y)
currentx = x;
currenty = y;
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