Populate Address Book : Application « J2ME « Java

Populate Address Book

Populate Address Book

 * Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

import javax.microedition.midlet.*;
import javax.microedition.rms.*;

 * Class to create an example address book and populate it
 * with some records
public class PopulateAddressBook extends MIDlet {
  private final String personalNames[] = {
    "John", "Zach", "2225556669",
    "Mark", "Lynn", "5125551212",
    "Joy", "Beth", "2705551234",
    "Abby", "Lynn", "4085558566",
    "Ted", "Alan", "4125552235",
    "Sterling", "Wincle", "9995559111",
    "Deborah", "Elaine", "4445552323",
    "Suzanne", "Melissa","5125556064",
    "Frank", "Kenneth", "7775551212",
    "Dwight", "Poe", "1115557234",
    "Laura", "Beth", "2055558888",
    "Lisa", "Dawn", "2705551267",
    "Betty", "June", "5555551556",
    "Yvonne", "Poe", "6665558888",
    "Lizzy", "Loo", "5025557971",
    "John", "Gerald", "3335551256",
    "Mark", "VandenBrink", "1115557878",
    "Roger", "Riggs", "3335550000",
    "Antero", "Taivalsaari", "9995552222"

  public PopulateAddressBook() {
    RecordStore rs;
    RecordEnumeration re;
    try {
      rs = RecordStore.openRecordStore("TheAddressBook", true);
      re = rs.enumerateRecords(null, null, false);
      while (re.hasNextElement()) {
        byte[] b = re.nextRecord();
        System.out.println("<" + SimpleRecord.getFirstName(b) + ">" +
                   "<" + SimpleRecord.getLastName(b) + ">" +
                   "<" + SimpleRecord.getPhoneNum(b) + ">");
    } catch (Exception e) {
      System.out.println("Houston, we have a problem: " + e);

     * Called by the system to start our MIDlet.
  protected void startApp() {

   * Called by the system to pause our MIDlet.
   * No actions required by our MIDLet.
  protected void pauseApp() {}

   * Called by the system to end our MIDlet.
   * No actions required by our MIDLet.
  protected void destroyApp(boolean unconditional) {}


 * Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

 * Static helper class that creates a record
 * store from data in an array.
class CreateAddressBook {

    // Don't allow this class to be instantiated
    private CreateAddressBook() {}
     * Helper method that creates a record
     * store from data in an array.
     * Returns:
     *  true      if RMS store was created
     *  false     otherwise
     *  name      the name of the record store to create
     *  seedData  an array w/ data to seed record store
    static boolean createRecordStore(String name,
                                     String[] seedData) {
        RecordStore recordStore;
        boolean ret = false;
        // Delete any previous record store with same name.
        // Silently ignore failure.
        try {
        } catch (Exception rse) {}

        // Create new RMS store. If we fail, return false.
        try {
            recordStore = RecordStore.openRecordStore(name, true);
        } catch (RecordStoreException rse) {
            return ret;

        ret = true; // assume success

        // Now, populate the record store with the seed data
        for (int i = 0; i < seedData.length; i += 3) {
            byte[] record = SimpleRecord.createRecord(seedData[i],

            try {
                recordStore.addRecord(record, 0, record.length);
            } catch (RecordStoreException rse) {
                ret = false;

        // Get here when adds are complete, or an error occured.
        // In any case, close the record store. We shouldn't
        // have a failure, so silently ignore any exceptions.
        try {
        } catch (RecordStoreException rsne) {}

        return ret;

 * Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

 * This class implements the RecordComparator interface.
 * It works on the records created by SimpleRecord.
 * It sorts on either first name or last name.
class SimpleComparator implements RecordComparator {

     * Sorting values (sort by first or last name)
    public final static int SORT_BY_FIRST_NAME = 1;
    public final static int SORT_BY_LAST_NAME = 2;

     * Sort order.  Set by constructor.
    private int sortOrder = -1;

     * Public constructor: sets the sort order to be
     * used for this instantiation.
     * Sanitize s: if it is not one of the
     * valid sort codes, set it to SORT_BY_LAST_NAME
     * silently.
     *  s  the desired sort order
    SimpleComparator(int s) {
        switch (s) {
        case SORT_BY_FIRST_NAME:
        case SORT_BY_LAST_NAME:
            this.sortOrder = s;
            this.sortOrder = SORT_BY_LAST_NAME;

     * This is the compare method. It takes two
     * records, and depending on the sort order
     * extracts and lexicographically compares the
     * subfields as two Strings.
     *  r1  First record to compare
     *  r2  Second record to compare
     * return one of the following:
     * RecordComparator.PRECEDES
     *     if r1 is lexicographically less than r2
     * RecordComparator.FOLLOWS
     *     if r1 is lexicographically greater than r2
     * RecordComparator.EQUIVALENT
     *     if r1 and r2 are lexicographically equivalent
    public int compare(byte[] r1,
                       byte[] r2) {

        String n1 = null;
        String n2 = null;

        // Based on sortOrder, extract the correct fields
        // from the record and convert them to lower case
        // so that we can perform a case-insensitive compare.
        if (sortOrder == SORT_BY_FIRST_NAME) {
            n1 = SimpleRecord.getFirstName(r1).toLowerCase();
            n2 = SimpleRecord.getFirstName(r2).toLowerCase();
        } else if (sortOrder == SORT_BY_LAST_NAME) {
            n1 = SimpleRecord.getLastName(r1).toLowerCase();
            n2 = SimpleRecord.getLastName(r2).toLowerCase();

        int n = n1.compareTo(n2);
        if (n < 0) {
            return RecordComparator.PRECEDES;
        if (n > 0) {
            return RecordComparator.FOLLOWS;

        return RecordComparator.EQUIVALENT;

 * Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

 * This class provides static methods that allow us
 * to hide the format of a record.
 * N.B. no synchronized access is provided
final class SimpleRecord {

    private final static int FIRST_NAME_INDEX = 0;
    private final static int LAST_NAME_INDEX = 20;
  private final static int FIELD_LEN = 20;
    private final static int PHONE_INDEX = 40;
    private final static int MAX_REC_LEN = 60;

    private static StringBuffer recBuf =
        new StringBuffer(MAX_REC_LEN);

    // Don't let anyone instantiate this class
    private SimpleRecord() {}

    // Clear internal buffer
    private static void clearBuf() {
        for (int i = 0; i < MAX_REC_LEN; i++) {
            recBuf.insert(i, ' ');

     * Takes component parts and return a record suitable
     * for our address book.
     *  return  byte[] the newly created record
     *  first   record field: first name
     *  last    record field: last name
     *  num     record field: phone number
    public static byte[] createRecord(String first,
                                      String last,
                                      String num) {
        recBuf.insert(FIRST_NAME_INDEX, first);
        recBuf.insert(LAST_NAME_INDEX, last);
        recBuf.insert(PHONE_INDEX, num);
        return recBuf.toString().getBytes();

     * Extracts the first name field from a record.
     *  return  String contains the first name field
     *  b       the record to parse
    public static String getFirstName(byte[] b) {
        return new String(b, FIRST_NAME_INDEX, FIELD_LEN).trim();

     * Extracts the last name field from a record.
     *  return  String contains the last name field
     *  b       the record to parse
    public static String getLastName(byte[] b) {
        return new String(b, LAST_NAME_INDEX, FIELD_LEN).trim();

     * Extracts the phone number field from a record.
     *  return  String contains the phone number field
     *  b       the record to parse
    public static String getPhoneNum(byte[] b) {
        return new String(b, PHONE_INDEX, FIELD_LEN).trim();


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