Java generic: Ambiguity caused by erasure on overloaded methods. : Generic Method « Generics « Java

Java generic: Ambiguity caused by erasure on overloaded methods.

Java 2, v5.0 (Tiger) New Features
by Herbert Schildt
ISBN: 0072258543
Publisher: McGraw-Hill/Osborne, 2004

class MyGenClass<T, V> {  
  T ob1;  
  V ob2;  
  // ... 
  // These two overloaded methods are ambiguous.  
  // and will not compile. 
  void set(T o) { 
    ob1 = o; 
  void set(V o) { 
    ob2 = o; 

// Can't create an instance of T. 
class Gen<T> {  
  T ob;  
  Gen() {  
    ob = new T(); // Illegal!!! 

public class Wrong<T> {  
  // Wrong, no static variables of type T. 
  static T ob; 
  // Wrong, no static method can use T. 
  static T getob() { 
    return ob; 
  // Wrong, no static method can access object 
  // of type T. 
  static void showob() { 


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