GWT animation: fade in and fade out : Animation « GWT « Java

GWT animation: fade in and fade out


 * Created on May 23, 2006
 * Copyright 2006, Robert Hanson
 * This library is dustributed under the GNU-LGPL 2.1.
package org.hanson.gwt.widgets.client;


 * Effect is a wrapper for the Scriptaculous effects JavaScript library,
 * which can be found at
 * Example of using an effect with options:
 * <pre>
 *   Effect.highlight(widget, new EffectOption[]{
 *       new EffectOption("startcolor", "#ff0000")
 *   });
 * </pre>
 * Example of using an effect with no options:
 * <pre>
 *   Effect.fade(widget);
 * </pre>
 * Example of using an effect on a specific element id:
 * <pre>
 *   Effect.switchOff(RootPanel.get("leftNav"));
 * </pre>
 * You must reference the Scriptaculous JavaScript code in your HTML
 * page to be able to use the wrapper.  Failure to do so will result in 
 * error messages similar to this, "'$wnd.Effect.Fade' is null or not an object".
 * <pre> 
 *  &lt;script type="text/javascript" src="script/prototype.js">&lt;/script>
 *  &lt;script type="text/javascript" src="script/scriptaculous.js">&lt;/script>
 * </pre>
 * You will also need to add the gwt-widgets jar file to your project classpath, 
 * and add the following reference in your .gwt.xml file:
 * <pre>
 *  &lt;inherits name='org.hanson.gwt.widgets.WidgetLibrary'/>
 * </pre>
 * @author Robert Hanson <iamroberthanson[at]>
public class Effect

    public static void appear (Widget widget) {
        appear(widget.getElement(), null);

    public static void appear (Widget widget, EffectOption[] opts) {
        appear(widget.getElement(), buildOptions(opts));

    private native static void appear (Element element, JavaScriptObject opts) /*-{
        new $wnd.Effect.Appear(element, opts);

    public static void blindDown (Widget widget) {
        blindDown(widget.getElement(), null);

    public static void blindDown (Widget widget, EffectOption[] opts) {
        blindDown(widget.getElement(), buildOptions(opts));

    private native static void blindDown (Element element, JavaScriptObject opts) /*-{
        new $wnd.Effect.BlindDown(element, opts);

    public static void blindUp (Widget widget) {
        blindUp(widget.getElement(), createJsObject());

    public static void blindUp (Widget widget, EffectOption[] opts) {
        blindUp(widget.getElement(), buildOptions(opts));

    private native static void blindUp (Element element, JavaScriptObject opts) /*-{
        new $wnd.Effect.BlindUp(element, opts);

    public static void dropOut (Widget widget) {
        dropOut(widget.getElement(), null);

    public static void dropOut (Widget widget, EffectOption[] opts) {
        dropOut(widget.getElement(), buildOptions(opts));

    private native static void dropOut (Element element, JavaScriptObject opts) /*-{
        new $wnd.Effect.DropOut(element, opts);

    public static void fade (Widget widget) {
        fade(widget.getElement(), null);

    public static void fade (Widget widget, EffectOption[] opts) {
        fade(widget.getElement(), buildOptions(opts));

    private native static void fade (Element element, JavaScriptObject opts) /*-{
        new $wnd.Effect.Fade(element, opts);

    public static void fold (Widget widget) {
        fold(widget.getElement(), null);

    public static void fold (Widget widget, EffectOption[] opts) {
        fold(widget.getElement(), buildOptions(opts));

    private native static void fold (Element element, JavaScriptObject opts) /*-{
        new $wnd.Effect.Fold(element, opts);

    public static void grow (Widget widget) {
        grow(widget.getElement(), null);

    public static void grow (Widget widget, EffectOption[] opts) {
        grow(widget.getElement(), buildOptions(opts));

    private native static void grow (Element element, JavaScriptObject opts) /*-{
        new $wnd.Effect.Grow(element, opts);

    public static void highlight (Widget widget) {
        highlight(widget.getElement(), null);

    public static void highlight (Widget widget, EffectOption[] opts) {
        highlight(widget.getElement(), buildOptions(opts));

    private native static void highlight (Element element, JavaScriptObject opts) /*-{
        new $wnd.Effect.Highlight(element, opts);

    public static void keepFixed (Widget widget) {
        keepFixed(widget.getElement(), null);

    public static void keepFixed (Widget widget, EffectOption[] opts) {
        keepFixed(widget.getElement(), buildOptions(opts));

    private native static void keepFixed (Element element, JavaScriptObject opts) /*-{
        new $wnd.Effect.KeepFixed(element, opts);

    public static void move (Widget widget) {
        move(widget.getElement(), null);

    public static void move (Widget widget, EffectOption[] opts) {
        move(widget.getElement(), buildOptions(opts));

    private native static void move (Element element, JavaScriptObject opts) /*-{
        new $wnd.Effect.Move(element, opts);

    public static void moveBy (Widget widget) {
        moveBy(widget.getElement(), null);

    public static void moveBy (Widget widget, EffectOption[] opts) {
        moveBy(widget.getElement(), buildOptions(opts));

    private native static void moveBy (Element element, JavaScriptObject opts) /*-{
        new $wnd.Effect.MoveBy(element, opts);

    public static void opacity (Widget widget) {
        opacity(widget.getElement(), null);

    public static void opacity (Widget widget, EffectOption[] opts) {
        opacity(widget.getElement(), buildOptions(opts));

    private native static void opacity (Element element, JavaScriptObject opts) /*-{
        new $wnd.Effect.Opacity(element, opts);

    public static void parallel (Widget widget) {
        parallel(widget.getElement(), null);

    public static void parallel (Widget widget, EffectOption[] opts) {
        parallel(widget.getElement(), buildOptions(opts));

    private native static void parallel (Element element, JavaScriptObject opts) /*-{
        new $wnd.Effect.Parallel(element, opts);

    public static void puff (Widget widget) {
        puff(widget.getElement(), null);

    public static void puff (Widget widget, EffectOption[] opts) {
        puff(widget.getElement(), buildOptions(opts));

    private native static void puff (Element element, JavaScriptObject opts) /*-{
        new $wnd.Effect.Puff(element, opts);

    public static void pulsate (Widget widget) {
        pulsate(widget.getElement(), null);

    public static void pulsate (Widget widget, EffectOption[] opts) {
        pulsate(widget.getElement(), buildOptions(opts));

    private native static void pulsate (Element element, JavaScriptObject opts) /*-{
        new $wnd.Effect.Pulsate(element, opts);

    public static void scale (Widget widget) {
        scale(widget.getElement(), null);

    public static void scale (Widget widget, EffectOption[] opts) {
        scale(widget.getElement(), buildOptions(opts));

    private native static void scale (Element element, JavaScriptObject opts) /*-{
        new $wnd.Effect.Scale(element, opts);

    public static void scrollTo (Widget widget) {
        scrollTo(widget.getElement(), null);

    public static void scrollTo (Widget widget, EffectOption[] opts) {
        scrollTo(widget.getElement(), buildOptions(opts));

    private native static void scrollTo (Element element, JavaScriptObject opts) /*-{
        new $wnd.Effect.ScrollTo(element, opts);

    public static void shake (Widget widget) {
        shake(widget.getElement(), null);

    public static void shake (Widget widget, EffectOption[] opts) {
        shake(widget.getElement(), buildOptions(opts));

    private native static void shake (Element element, JavaScriptObject opts) /*-{
        new $wnd.Effect.Shake(element, opts);

    public static void shrink (Widget widget) {
        shrink(widget.getElement(), null);

    public static void shrink (Widget widget, EffectOption[] opts) {
        shrink(widget.getElement(), buildOptions(opts));

    private native static void shrink (Element element, JavaScriptObject opts) /*-{
        new $wnd.Effect.Shrink(element, opts);

    public static void slideDown (Widget widget) {
        slideDown(widget.getElement(), null);

    public static void slideDown (Widget widget, EffectOption[] opts) {
        slideDown(widget.getElement(), buildOptions(opts));

    private native static void slideDown (Element element, JavaScriptObject opts) /*-{
        new $wnd.Effect.SlideDown(element, opts);

    public static void slideUp (Widget widget) {
        slideUp(widget.getElement(), null);

    public static void slideUp (Widget widget, EffectOption[] opts) {
        slideUp(widget.getElement(), buildOptions(opts));

    private native static void slideUp (Element element, JavaScriptObject opts) /*-{
        new $wnd.Effect.SlideUp(element, opts);

    public static void squish (Widget widget) {
        squish(widget.getElement(), null);

    public static void squish (Widget widget, EffectOption[] opts) {
        squish(widget.getElement(), buildOptions(opts));

    private native static void squish (Element element, JavaScriptObject opts) /*-{
        new $wnd.Effect.Squish(element, opts);

    public static void switchOff (Widget widget) {
        switchOff(widget.getElement(), null);

    public static void switchOff (Widget widget, EffectOption[] opts) {
        switchOff(widget.getElement(), buildOptions(opts));

    private native static void switchOff (Element element, JavaScriptObject opts) /*-{
        new $wnd.Effect.SwitchOff(element, opts);

    private static JavaScriptObject buildOptions (EffectOption[] opts) {
        JavaScriptObject jso = createJsObject();
        for (int i = 0; i < opts.length; i++) {
            addOption(jso, opts[i].getName(), opts[i].getValue());
        return jso;

    private static native void addOption (JavaScriptObject jso, String name, String value) /*-{
        jso[name] = value;

    private static native JavaScriptObject createJsObject () /*-{
        return new Object();



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