BASE64 Decoder Stream from Sun Microsystems : Base64 Stream « File Input Output « Java

BASE64 Decoder Stream from Sun Microsystems

 * Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
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 * language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
 * When distributing the software, include this License Header Notice in each
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 * Sun designates this particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception
 * as provided by Sun in the GPL Version 2 section of the License file that
 * accompanied this code.  If applicable, add the following below the License
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 * @(#) 1.16 07/05/04


 * This class implements a BASE64 Decoder. It is implemented as
 * a FilterInputStream, so one can just wrap this class around
 * any input stream and read bytes from this filter. The decoding
 * is done as the bytes are read out.
 * @author John Mani
 * @author Bill Shannon

public class BASE64DecoderStream extends FilterInputStream {
    // buffer of decoded bytes for single byte reads
    private byte[] buffer = new byte[3];
    private int bufsize = 0;  // size of the cache
    private int index = 0;  // index into the cache

    // buffer for almost 8K of typical 76 chars + CRLF lines,
    // used by getByte method.  this buffer contains encoded bytes.
    private byte[] input_buffer = new byte[78*105];
    private int input_pos = 0;
    private int input_len = 0;;

    private boolean ignoreErrors = false;

     * Create a BASE64 decoder that decodes the specified input stream.
     * The System property <code>mail.mime.base64.ignoreerrors</code>
     * controls whether errors in the encoded data cause an exception
     * or are ignored.  The default is false (errors cause exception).
     * @param in  the input stream
    public BASE64DecoderStream(InputStream in) {
  try {
      String s = System.getProperty("mail.mime.base64.ignoreerrors");
      // default to false
      ignoreErrors = s != null && !s.equalsIgnoreCase("false");
  } catch (SecurityException sex) {
      // ignore it

     * Create a BASE64 decoder that decodes the specified input stream.
     * @param in  the input stream
     * @param ignoreErrors  ignore errors in encoded data?
    public BASE64DecoderStream(InputStream in, boolean ignoreErrors) {
  this.ignoreErrors = ignoreErrors;

     * Read the next decoded byte from this input stream. The byte
     * is returned as an <code>int</code> in the range <code>0</code> 
     * to <code>255</code>. If no byte is available because the end of 
     * the stream has been reached, the value <code>-1</code> is returned.
     * This method blocks until input data is available, the end of the 
     * stream is detected, or an exception is thrown.
     * @return     next byte of data, or <code>-1</code> if the end of the
     *             stream is reached.
     * @exception  IOException  if an I/O error occurs.
     * @see
    public int read() throws IOException {
  if (index >= bufsize) {
      bufsize = decode(buffer, 0, buffer.length);
      if (bufsize <= 0) // buffer is empty
    return -1;
      index = 0; // reset index into buffer
  return buffer[index++] & 0xff; // Zero off the MSB

     * Reads up to <code>len</code> decoded bytes of data from this input stream
     * into an array of bytes. This method blocks until some input is
     * available.
     * <p>
     * @param      buf   the buffer into which the data is read.
     * @param      off   the start offset of the data.
     * @param      len   the maximum number of bytes read.
     * @return     the total number of bytes read into the buffer, or
     *             <code>-1</code> if there is no more data because the end of
     *             the stream has been reached.
     * @exception  IOException  if an I/O error occurs.
    public int read(byte[] buf, int off, int len) throws IOException {
  // empty out single byte read buffer
  int off0 = off;
  while (index < bufsize && len > 0) {
      buf[off++] = buffer[index++];
  if (index >= bufsize)
      bufsize = index = 0;

  int bsize = (len / 3) * 3;  // round down to multiple of 3 bytes
  if (bsize > 0) {
      int size = decode(buf, off, bsize);
      off += size;
      len -= size;

      if (size != bsize) {  // hit EOF?
    if (off == off0)  // haven't returned any data
        return -1;
    else      // returned some data before hitting EOF
        return off - off0;

  // finish up with a partial read if necessary
  for (; len > 0; len--) {
      int c = read();
      if (c == -1)  // EOF
      buf[off++] = (byte)c;

  if (off == off0)  // haven't returned any data
      return -1;
  else      // returned some data before hitting EOF
      return off - off0;

     * Tests if this input stream supports marks. Currently this class
     * does not support marks
    public boolean markSupported() {
  return false; // Maybe later ..

     * Returns the number of bytes that can be read from this input
     * stream without blocking. However, this figure is only
     * a close approximation in case the original encoded stream
     * contains embedded CRLFs; since the CRLFs are discarded, not decoded
    public int available() throws IOException {
   // This is only an estimate, since in.available()
   // might include CRLFs too ..
   return ((in.available() * 3)/4 + (bufsize-index));

     * This character array provides the character to value map
     * based on RFC1521.
    private final static char pem_array[] = {
  'A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H', // 0
  'I','J','K','L','M','N','O','P', // 1
  'Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X', // 2
  'Y','Z','a','b','c','d','e','f', // 3
  'g','h','i','j','k','l','m','n', // 4
  'o','p','q','r','s','t','u','v', // 5
  'w','x','y','z','0','1','2','3', // 6
  '4','5','6','7','8','9','+','/'  // 7

    private final static byte pem_convert_array[] = new byte[256];

    static {
  for (int i = 0; i < 255; i++)
      pem_convert_array[i] = -1;
  for (int i = 0; i < pem_array.length; i++)
      pem_convert_array[pem_array[i]] = (byte)i;

     * The decoder algorithm.  Most of the complexity here is dealing
     * with error cases.  Returns the number of bytes decoded, which
     * may be zero.  Decoding is done by filling an int with 4 6-bit
     * values by shifting them in from the bottom and then extracting
     * 3 8-bit bytes from the int by shifting them out from the bottom.
     * @param outbuf  the buffer into which to put the decoded bytes
     * @param pos position in the buffer to start filling
     * @param len the number of bytes to fill
     * @return    the number of bytes filled, always a multiple
     *      of three, and may be zero
     * @exception IOException if the data is incorrectly formatted
    private int decode(byte[] outbuf, int pos, int len) throws IOException {
  int pos0 = pos;
  while (len >= 3) {
       * We need 4 valid base64 characters before we start decoding.
       * We skip anything that's not a valid base64 character (usually
       * just CRLF).
      int got = 0;
      int val = 0;
      while (got < 4) {
    int i = getByte();
    if (i == -1 || i == -2) {
        boolean atEOF;
        if (i == -1) {
      if (got == 0)
          return pos - pos0;
      if (!ignoreErrors)
          throw new IOException("Error in encoded stream: " +
        "needed 4 valid base64 characters " +
        "but only got " + got + " before EOF" +
      atEOF = true; // don't read any more
        } else {  // i == -2
      // found a padding character, we're at EOF
      // XXX - should do something to make EOF "sticky"
      if (got < 2 && !ignoreErrors)
          throw new IOException("Error in encoded stream: " +
        "needed at least 2 valid base64 characters," +
        " but only got " + got +
        " before padding character (=)" +

      // didn't get any characters before padding character?
      if (got == 0)
          return pos - pos0;
      atEOF = false;  // need to keep reading

        // pad partial result with zeroes

        // how many bytes will we produce on output?
        // (got always < 4, so size always < 3)
        int size = got - 1;
        if (size == 0)
      size = 1;

        // handle the one padding character we've seen
        val <<= 6;

        while (got < 4) {
      if (!atEOF) {
          // consume the rest of the padding characters,
          // filling with zeroes
          i = getByte();
          if (i == -1) {
        if (!ignoreErrors)
            throw new IOException(
          "Error in encoded stream: " +
          "hit EOF while looking for " +
          "padding characters (=)" +
          } else if (i != -2) {
        if (!ignoreErrors)
            throw new IOException(
          "Error in encoded stream: " +
          "found valid base64 character after " +
          "a padding character (=)" +
      val <<= 6;

        // now pull out however many valid bytes we got
        val >>= 8;    // always skip first one
        if (size == 2)
      outbuf[pos + 1] = (byte)(val & 0xff);
        val >>= 8;
        outbuf[pos] = (byte)(val & 0xff);
        // len -= size; // not needed, return below
        pos += size;
        return pos - pos0;
    } else {
        // got a valid byte
        val <<= 6;
        val |= i;

      // read 4 valid characters, now extract 3 bytes
      outbuf[pos + 2] = (byte)(val & 0xff);
      val >>= 8;
      outbuf[pos + 1] = (byte)(val & 0xff);
      val >>= 8;
      outbuf[pos] = (byte)(val & 0xff);
      len -= 3;
      pos += 3;
  return pos - pos0;

     * Read the next valid byte from the input stream.
     * Buffer lots of data from underlying stream in input_buffer,
     * for efficiency.
     * @return  the next byte, -1 on EOF, or -2 if next byte is '='
     *    (padding at end of encoded data)
    private int getByte() throws IOException {
  int c;
  do {
      if (input_pos >= input_len) {
    try {
        input_len =;
    } catch (EOFException ex) {
        return -1;
    if (input_len <= 0)
        return -1;
    input_pos = 0;
      // get the next byte in the buffer
      c = input_buffer[input_pos++] & 0xff;
      // is it a padding byte?
      if (c == '=')
    return -2;
      // no, convert it
      c = pem_convert_array[c];
      // loop until we get a legitimate byte
  } while (c == -1);
  return c;

     * Return the most recent characters, for use in an error message.
    private String recentChars() {
  // reach into the input buffer and extract up to 10
  // recent characters, to help in debugging.
  String errstr = "";
  int nc = input_pos > 10 ? 10 : input_pos;
  if (nc > 0) {
      errstr += ", the " + nc +
          " most recent characters were: \"";
      for (int k = input_pos - nc; k < input_pos; k++) {
    char c = (char)(input_buffer[k] & 0xff);
    switch (c) {
    case '\r':  errstr += "\\r"; break;
    case '\n':  errstr += "\\n"; break;
    case '\t':  errstr += "\\t"; break;
        if (c >= ' ' && c < 0177)
      errstr += c;
      errstr += ("\\" + (int)c);
      errstr += "\"";
  return errstr;

     * Base64 decode a byte array.  No line breaks are allowed.
     * This method is suitable for short strings, such as those
     * in the IMAP AUTHENTICATE protocol, but not to decode the
     * entire content of a MIME part.
     * NOTE: inbuf may only contain valid base64 characters.
     *       Whitespace is not ignored.
    public static byte[] decode(byte[] inbuf) {
  int size = (inbuf.length / 4) * 3;
  if (size == 0)
      return inbuf;

  if (inbuf[inbuf.length - 1] == '=') {
      if (inbuf[inbuf.length - 2] == '=')
  byte[] outbuf = new byte[size];

  int inpos = 0, outpos = 0;
  size = inbuf.length;
  while (size > 0) {
      int val;
      int osize = 3;
      val = pem_convert_array[inbuf[inpos++] & 0xff];
      val <<= 6;
      val |= pem_convert_array[inbuf[inpos++] & 0xff];
      val <<= 6;
      if (inbuf[inpos] != '=') // End of this BASE64 encoding
    val |= pem_convert_array[inbuf[inpos++] & 0xff];
      val <<= 6;
      if (inbuf[inpos] != '=') // End of this BASE64 encoding
    val |= pem_convert_array[inbuf[inpos++] & 0xff];
      if (osize > 2)
    outbuf[outpos + 2] = (byte)(val & 0xff);
      val >>= 8;
      if (osize > 1)
    outbuf[outpos + 1] = (byte)(val & 0xff);
      val >>= 8;
      outbuf[outpos] = (byte)(val & 0xff);
      outpos += osize;
      size -= 4;
  return outbuf;

    /*** begin TEST program ***
    public static void main(String argv[]) throws Exception {
      FileInputStream infile = new FileInputStream(argv[0]);
  BASE64DecoderStream decoder = new BASE64DecoderStream(infile);
  int c;

  while ((c = != -1)
    *** end TEST program ***/


Related examples in the same category

1.BASE64 Decoder Stream
2.BASE64 Encoder Stream from Sun Microsystems
3.Base64 Character decoder as specified in RFC1113.
4.Base64 Character encoder as specified in RFC1113.
5.Performs Base-64 decoding on an underlying stream.
6.Class encodes the bytes written to the OutPutStream to a Base64 encoded string.
7.BASE64 Encoder Stream
8.Decode a BASE64 encoded input stream to some output stream
9.Hex dump
10.Dumps data in hexadecimal format
11.Apply a ASCII Hex encoding to the stream
12.Base64 Codec
13.Base64 encoding from
14.Base64 provides Base64 encoding/decoding of strings and streams
15.Base64 - encode/decode data using the Base64 encoding scheme
16.Base64 from Eric Glass jcifs at samba dot org