Operating System : OS « Development Class « Java

Operating System


 * This file is distributed under the GPL
 * $Id: OperatingSystem.java 1869 2009-09-02 07:02:35Z scotta $

//package net.bnubot.util;

import java.util.Properties;

 * @author scotta
public enum OperatingSystem {

  private static OperatingSystem initOS() {
    String osName = System.getProperty("os.name");
    if(osName.equals("Mac OS X"))
      return OSX;
    if(osName.startsWith("Windows "))
      return WINDOWS;
      return LINUX;
    return UNKNOWN;

  public static final OperatingSystem userOS = initOS();

   * @return user-displayable operating system version
  public static String osVersion() {
    Properties p = System.getProperties();
    String osName = p.getProperty("os.name");
    String osVersion = p.getProperty("os.version");

    if((osVersion != null) && (osVersion.length() != 0))
      osName += " " + osVersion;

    switch(userOS) {
    case OSX:
        osName += " Cheetah";
      else if(osVersion.startsWith("10.1"))
        osName += " Puma";
      else if(osVersion.startsWith("10.2"))
        osName += " Jaguar";
      else if(osVersion.startsWith("10.3"))
        osName += " Panther";
      else if(osVersion.startsWith("10.4"))
        osName += " Tiger";
      else if(osVersion.startsWith("10.5"))
        osName += " Leopard";
      else if(osVersion.startsWith("10.6"))
        osName += " Snow Leopard";
    case WINDOWS:
      osName += " " + p.getProperty("sun.os.patch.level");

    osName += " (" + p.getProperty("os.arch") + ")";
    return osName;

  public static String javaVersion() {
    return "Java " + System.getProperties().getProperty("java.version");


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