Multiply a decimal fraction, not using floating point : int « Data Type « Java

Multiply a decimal fraction, not using floating point

Multiply a decimal fraction, not using floating point
 * Multiply a decimal fraction, not using floating point
 * @author Ian F. Darwin,
 * @version $Id:,v 1.5 2004/02/09 03:33:57 ian Exp $
public class IntFract {
  public static void main(String[] argv) {
    int a = 100;
    int b = a*5/7;
    System.out.println("5/7 of " + a + " is " + b);
    // Just for fun, do it again in floating point.
    final double FRACT = 0.7142857132857;
    int c = (int)(a*FRACT);
    System.out.println(FRACT + " of " + a + " is " + c);


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