Java Implementation of Pythons string.replace() : String replace « Data Type « Java

Java Implementation of Pythons string.replace()

import java.util.ArrayList;

 * IzPack - Copyright 2001-2008 Julien Ponge, All Rights Reserved.
 * Copyright 2003 Marc Eppelmann
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

 * A extended Java Implementation of Pythons string.replace()
 * @author
 class StringTool

    // ~ Constructors
    // *********************************************************************************

     * Default Constructor
    public StringTool()

    // ~ Methods
    // **************************************************************************************

     * Standalone callable Test method
     * @param args Commandline Args
    public static void main(String[] args)
        System.out.println("Test: string.replace(abc$defg,$de ,null ):"
                + StringTool.replace("abc$defg", "$de", null, true));

     * Replaces <b>from</b> with <b>to</b> in given String: <b>value</b>
     * @param value original String
     * @param from  Search Pattern
     * @param to    Replace with this
     * @return the replaced String
    public static String replace(String value, String from, String to)
        return replace(value, from, to, true);

     * Replaces <b>from</b> with <b>to</b> in given String: <b>value</b>
     * @param value              original String
     * @param from               Search Pattern
     * @param to                 Replace with this
     * @param aCaseSensitiveFlag set to true be case sensitive.
     * @return the replaced String
    public static String replace(String value, String from, String to, boolean aCaseSensitiveFlag)
        if ((value == null) || (value.length() == 0) || (from == null) || (from.length() == 0))
            return value;

        if (to == null)
            to = "";

        if (!aCaseSensitiveFlag)
            from = from.toLowerCase();

        String result = value;
        int lastIndex = 0;
        int index = value.indexOf(from);

        if (index != -1)
            StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();

            while (index != -1)
                buffer.append(value.substring(lastIndex, index)).append(to);
                lastIndex = index + from.length();
                index = value.indexOf(from, lastIndex);

            result = buffer.toString();

        return result;
     * Escapes all white Space Characters
     * @param apathString
     * @return
    public static String escapeSpaces( String aPathString )
       return replaceOrEscapeAll( aPathString, null, null, true ); 
     * Escapes all white Space Characters
     * @param apathString
     * @return
    public static String replaceSpacesWithMinus( String aPathString )
       return replaceSpaces( aPathString, "-" ); 
     * Escapes all white Space Characters
     * @param apathString
     * @return
    public static String replaceSpaces( String aPathString, String replaceWith )
       return replaceOrEscapeAll( aPathString, replaceWith, null, false ); 
     * Replaces all given white Space Characters with the replaceOrEscapeWith or Escapes with replaceOrEscapeWith
     * If true was given as Escape-Flag , the Method escapes each whitespace with the replaceOrEscapeWith + replaceWhat[x] 
     * Otherwise the replaces each replaceWhat[x] with the replaceOrEscapeWith.
     * @param aPathString The input string in which the white space should be handled.
     * @param replaceOrEscapeWith The Repace or Escape Char Interpreted depended on the escape Flag
     * @param replaceWhat The atring array with the Characters, which should be replaced
     * @param escape The flag, wihch indeicates, how to handle the given replaceOrEscapeWith String.
    public static String replaceOrEscapeAll( String aPathString, String replaceOrEscapeWith, String[] replaceWhat,  boolean escape )
        if( replaceWhat == null )
            replaceWhat = new String[]{" ", "\t", "\n"};
        if( replaceOrEscapeWith == null )
            replaceOrEscapeWith = "\\";
       for (int i = 0; i < replaceWhat.length; i++)
           aPathString = replace(aPathString, replaceWhat[i], escape == true ? replaceOrEscapeWith + replaceWhat[i]: replaceOrEscapeWith );
       return aPathString; 

     * Normalizes a Windows or Unix Path.
     * <p/>
     * Reason: Javas File accepts / or \ for Pathes. Batches or ShellScripts does it not!
     * <p/>
     * TODO: implement support for MAC < MacOSX
     * @param destination
     * @param fileSeparator a target-system fileseparator
     * @return the normalized path
    public static String normalizePath(String destination, String fileSeparator)
        String FILESEP = (fileSeparator == null) ? File.separator : fileSeparator;

        destination = StringTool.replace(destination, "\\", "/");

        // all occs of "//" by "/"
        destination = StringTool.replace(destination, "//", "/");

        destination = StringTool.replace(destination, ":", ";");
        destination = StringTool.replace(destination, ";", ":");

        destination = StringTool.replace(destination, "/", FILESEP);

        if ("\\".equals(FILESEP))
            destination = StringTool.replace(destination, ":", ";");

            // results in "C;\" instead of "C:\"
            // so correct it:
            destination = StringTool.replace(destination, ";\\", ":\\");

        // Convert the file separator characters
        return (destination);

     * Normalizes a mixed Windows/Unix Path. Does Only work for Windows or Unix Pathes Reason:
     * Java.File accepts / or \ for Pathes. Batches or ShellScripts does it not!
     * @param destination accepted mixed form by java.File like "C:/a/mixed\path\accepted/by\Java"
     * @return the normalized Path
    public static String normalizePath(String destination)
        return (normalizePath(destination, null));

     * Converts an String Array to a space separated String w/o any check
     * @param args The StringArray
     * @return the space separated result.
    public static String stringArrayToSpaceSeparatedString(String[] args)
        String result = "";
        for (String arg : args)
            result += arg + " ";
        return result;

    public static String getPlatformEncoding()
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        return System.getProperty("file.encoding");

    public static String UTF16()
        return "UTF-16";

     * Transforms a (Array)List of Strings into a line.separator="\n" separated Stringlist.
     * @param aStringList
     * @return a printable list
    public static String stringArrayListToString(ArrayList aStringList)
        return stringArrayListToString(aStringList, null);

     * Transforms a (Array)List of Strings into an aLineSeparator separated Stringlist.
     * @param aStringList
     * @return a printable list
    public static String stringArrayListToString(ArrayList aStringList, String aLineSeparator)
        String LineSeparator = aLineSeparator;
        if (LineSeparator == null)
            LineSeparator = System.getProperty("line.separator", "\n");

        StringBuffer temp = new StringBuffer();

        for (Object anAStringList : aStringList)

        return temp.toString();

     * True if a given string starts with the another given String
     * @param str    The String to search in
     * @param prefix The string to search for
     * @return True if str starts with prefix
    public static boolean startsWith(String str, String prefix)
        return (str != null) && str.startsWith(prefix);

     * The same as startsWith but ignores the case.
     * @param str    The String to search in
     * @param prefix The string to search for
     * @return rue if str starts with prefix
    public static boolean startsWithIgnoreCase(String str, String prefix)
        return (str != null) && (prefix != null)
                && str.toUpperCase().startsWith(prefix.toUpperCase());

 * IzPack - Copyright 2001-2008 Julien Ponge, All Rights Reserved.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package com.izforge.izpack.util;

import junit.framework.TestCase;

public class StringToolTest extends TestCase

     * Class under test for String replace(String, String, String[, boolean])
    public void testReplace()
        String ref = "ABC-012-def";

        TestCase.assertEquals(null, StringTool.replace(null, null, null));
        TestCase.assertEquals("ABC-012-def", StringTool.replace(ref, null, null));
        TestCase.assertEquals("ABC-012-def", StringTool.replace(ref, "something", null));
        TestCase.assertEquals("ABC012def", StringTool.replace(ref, "-", null));
        TestCase.assertEquals("abc-012-def", StringTool.replace(ref, "ABC", "abc"));
        TestCase.assertEquals("ABC-012-def", StringTool.replace(ref, "abc", "abc", false));
        TestCase.assertEquals("ABC-012-def", StringTool.replace(ref, "abc", "abc", true));

     * Class under test for String normalizePath(String[, String])
    public void testNormalizePath()
        TestCase.assertEquals("C:\\Foo\\Bar\\is\\so\\boring;plop;plop", StringTool.normalizePath(
                "C:\\Foo/Bar/is\\so\\boring:plop;plop", "\\"));
        TestCase.assertEquals("/some/where/that:matters:really", StringTool.normalizePath(
                "/some/where\\that:matters;really", "/"));



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1.String Replace
2.String Replace 2String Replace 2
3.Replace \r\n with the
4.Unaccent letters
5.Remove leading white space from a string
6.Remove leading whitespace a String using regular expressions
7.Remove trailing whitespace
8.Replace multiple whitespaces between words with single blank
9.Replacing Characters in a String: replace() method creates a new string with the replaced characters.
10.Replacing Substrings in a String
11.Replace characters in string
12.String.replaceAll() can be used with String
13.Replaces all occurrences of given character with new one and returns new String object.
14.Replaces only first occurrences of given String with new one and returns new String object.
15.Replaces all occurrences of given String with new one and returns new String object.
16.Only replace first occurence
17.Optimize String operations
18.Replace every occurrences of a string within a string
19.Replace/remove character in a String: replace all occurrences of a given character
20.To replace a character at a specified position
21.Find, replace and remove strings
22.Replace New Lines
23.Replace string
24.Replace strings
25.Replace substrings within string
26.Replaces all occurences of a substring inside a string
27.Replaces each substring of this string that matches toReplace
28.Replaces substrings
29.Replaces all instances of oldString with newString in string
30.Substitute sub-strings in side of a string
31.Replace string
32.Returns the given string with all found oldSubStr replaced by newSubStr.
33.Returns a new string resulting from replacing all occurrences of oldStr in this string with newStr.
34.Find and replace all occurrences of the string