Extracts a decimal digit from a number : Decimal « Data Type « Java

Extracts a decimal digit from a number


//package com.ryanm.droid.rugl.util;

 * Where should these go?
 * @author ryanm
public class Util
   * Extracts a decimal digit from a number
   * @param value
   *           The number to extract from
   * @param place
   *           The index of the digit to extract: 0 for units, 1 for
   *           tens, 2 for hundreds, -1 for tenths, and so on
   * @return The designated digit
  public static int extractDigit( float value, int place )
    float pow = ( float ) Math.pow( 10, place );
    float powp = pow * ( place < 0 ? -10 : 10 );

    value %= powp;

    return ( int ) ( value / pow );


Related examples in the same category

1.Display the total amount of memory in the Java virtual machine.
2.Display the maximum amount of memory
3.Display the amount of free memory in the Java Virtual Machine.
4.Round number to fewer decimals
5.Display numbers with commas
6.Change the decimal separator is set to "."
7.Display numbers in scientific notation
8.Use java.text.DecimalFormat to format integer
9.new DecimalFormat("0.######E0")
10.Use new DecimalFormat("0.#####E0") to format double
11.new DecimalFormat("000000E0")
12.Display numbers with leading zeroes
13.Display a percentage
14.Display a currency value
15.new DecimalFormat(abc#)
19.new DecimalFormat("0.00")
20.new DecimalFormat("#.#")
21.new DecimalFormat("#.######") (1)
22.new DecimalFormat("#.000000")
23.new DecimalFormat(".######") (2)
24.new DecimalFormat("#,###,###") (grouping)
25.new DecimalFormat("##00")
26.Convert a number using the current Locale()
27.The 0 symbol shows a digit or 0 if no digit present
28.Use group separators and show trailing zeroes
29.Force minimum number of digits to left and right of decimal point
30.Set format to two decimal places: set Minimum Fraction Digits
31.Set format to two decimal places: set Maximum Fraction Digits
32.The . symbol indicates the decimal point
33.The , symbol is used to group numbers
34.The ; symbol is used to specify an alternate pattern for negative values
35.The ' symbol is used to quote literal symbols
37.The number of #'s to the left of the decimal point sets the multiple of the exponent.
38.DecimalFormat("##E0") (exponent must be multiple of 2)
39.DecimalFormat("###E0") (exponent must be multiple of 3)