Date format and parse Util : Date Format « Data Type « Java

Date format and parse Util


 * Copyright
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0:
//package org.wiztools.commons;

import java.text.Format;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

 * @author subwiz
public final class DateUtil {
    private static final SimpleDateFormat SDF_ISO_DATE = new SimpleDateFormat(
    private static final SimpleDateFormat SDF_ISO_TIME = new SimpleDateFormat(

     * Returns the date in ISO 8601 format yyyy-MM-dd.
     * @param date
     * @return
    public static String getAsISODateString(final Date date){
        return SDF_ISO_DATE.format(date);

     * Returns the date and time in ISO 8601 format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
     * @param date
     * @return
    public static String getAsISODateTimeString(final Date date){
        return SDF_ISO_DATE.format(date) + "T" + SDF_ISO_TIME.format(date);

     * Returns java.util.Date object for the ISO 8601 formatted String yyyy-MM-dd.
     * @param dateStr
     * @return
    public static Date getFromISODateString(final String dateStr){
            Format fmt = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
            return (Date) fmt.parseObject(dateStr);
        catch(ParseException ex) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(ex);

     * This is an inclusive method: returns true if the date is equal to startDate or endDate.
     * @param startDate The start date.
     * @param endDate The end date.
     * @param date The date to verify.
     * @return true if the date falls between start date and end date.
    public static boolean isDateBetween(final Date startDate,
            final Date endDate,
            final Date date) {
        // check if end date is later than start date:
        if(startDate.compareTo(endDate) > 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Start date cannot be greater than end date!");
        if(date.compareTo(startDate) >= 0 && date.compareTo(endDate) <= 0) {
            return true;
        return false;

    private static Date getDatePlus(final int unit, final Date date, final int quantity) {
        Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();
        c.add(unit, quantity);
        return c.getTime();

     * Adds the number of days to the date and returns the new Date instance.
     * @param date Input date.
     * @param months Number of days to add.
     * @return Computed date.
    public static Date getDatePlusDays(final Date date, final int days){
        return getDatePlus(Calendar.DATE, date, days);

     * Adds the number of months to the date and returns the new Date instance.
     * @param date Input date.
     * @param months Number of months to add.
     * @return Computed date.
    public static Date getDatePlusMonths(final Date date, final int months){
        return getDatePlus(Calendar.MONTH, date, months);

     * Adds the number of years to the date and returns the new Date instance.
     * @param date Input date.
     * @param years Number of years to add.
     * @return Computed date.
    public static Date getDatePlusYears(final Date date, final int years){
        return getDatePlus(Calendar.YEAR, date, years);

    // Date Parsing using common pattern:
    private static final Pattern p1 = Pattern.compile("[0-9]{1,2}-[0-9]{1,2}-[0-9]{2}");
    private static final SimpleDateFormat sdf_p1 = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yy");

    private static final Pattern p2 = Pattern.compile("[0-9]{1,2}-[0-9]{1,2}-[0-9]{4}");
    private static final SimpleDateFormat sdf_p2 = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy");

    private static final Pattern p3 = Pattern.compile("[0-9]{1,2}/[0-9]{1,2}/[0-9]{2}");
    private static final SimpleDateFormat sdf_p3 = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yy");

    private static final Pattern p4 = Pattern.compile("[0-9]{1,2}/[0-9]{1,2}/[0-9]{4}");
    private static final SimpleDateFormat sdf_p4 = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy");

    private static final Pattern p5 = Pattern.compile("[A-Za-z]{3} [0-9]{1,2}, [0-9]{4}");
    private static final SimpleDateFormat sdf_p5 = new SimpleDateFormat("MMM dd, yyyy");

    private static final Pattern p6 = Pattern.compile("[A-Za-z]{3} [0-9]{1,2} [0-9]{4}");
    private static final SimpleDateFormat sdf_p6 = new SimpleDateFormat("MMM dd yyyy");

    private static final Pattern p7 = Pattern.compile("[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}");
    private static final SimpleDateFormat sdf_p7 = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");

     * Tries to match common patterns by which date is mentioned, and returns a Date object.
     * @param dateStr The date in common pattern.
     * @return The java.util.Date object constructed by parsing the input string.
     * @throws ParseException Thrown when not able to parse the date string.
    public static Date getDateFromString(final String dateStr) throws ParseException{
        SimpleDateFormat sdf = null;
            sdf = sdf_p1;
        else if(p2.matcher(dateStr).matches()){
            sdf = sdf_p2;
        else if(p3.matcher(dateStr).matches()){
            sdf = sdf_p3;
        else if(p4.matcher(dateStr).matches()){
            sdf = sdf_p4;
        else if(p5.matcher(dateStr).matches()){
            sdf = sdf_p5;
        else if(p6.matcher(dateStr).matches()){
            sdf = sdf_p6;
        else if(p7.matcher(dateStr).matches()){
            sdf = sdf_p7;

        if(sdf != null){
            return sdf.parse(dateStr);

        throw new ParseException(dateStr + " does not match any defined pattern!", 0);

    public static Date now(){
        return new Date();
 * Copyright
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0:
package org.wiztools.commons;

import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.AfterClass;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.Test;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;

 * @author subwiz
public class DateUtilTest {

    public DateUtilTest() {

    public static void setUpClass() throws Exception {

    public static void tearDownClass() throws Exception {

    public void setUp() {

    public void tearDown() {

    public void testIsDateBetween() {
        Date now =;
        Date startDate = DateUtil.getDatePlusDays(now, -1);
        Date endDate = DateUtil.getDatePlusDays(now, 1);
        assertTrue(DateUtil.isDateBetween(startDate, endDate, now));

     * Test of getAsISODateString method, of class DateUtil.
    public void testGetAsISODateString() {
        Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();
        c.set(Calendar.YEAR, 1979);
        c.set(Calendar.MONTH, 1); // 1 means Feb.
        c.set(Calendar.DATE, 15);
        Date date = c.getTime();
        String expResult = "1979-02-15";
        String result = DateUtil.getAsISODateString(date);
        assertEquals(expResult, result);

     * Test of getAsISODateTimeString method, of class DateUtil.
    public void testGetAsISODateTimeString() {
        Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();
        c.set(Calendar.YEAR, 1979);
        c.set(Calendar.MONTH, 1); // 1 means Feb.
        c.set(Calendar.DATE, 15);
        c.set(Calendar.HOUR, 5);
        c.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 5);
        c.set(Calendar.SECOND, 5);
        Date date = c.getTime();
        String expResult = "1979-02-15T05:05:05";
        String result = DateUtil.getAsISODateTimeString(date);
        assertEquals(expResult, result);

     * Test of getFromISODateString method, of class DateUtil.
    public void testGetFromISODateString() {
        String dateStr = "1979-02-15";
        Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();
        c.set(Calendar.YEAR, 1979);
        c.set(Calendar.MONTH, 1); // 1 means Feb.
        c.set(Calendar.DATE, 15);
        Date expResult = c.getTime();
        Date result = DateUtil.getFromISODateString(dateStr);
        assertEquals(expResult, result);

    public void testGetDatePlusDays() {
        Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();
        c.set(Calendar.YEAR, 1979);
        c.set(Calendar.MONTH, 1); // 1 means Feb.
        c.set(Calendar.DATE, 15);

        Date date = DateUtil.getDatePlusDays(c.getTime(), 5);

        assertEquals(new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy").format(date), "20-02-1979");

    public void testGetDateFromString() throws Exception {
        Date d = DateUtil.getDateFromString("jan 1, 2010");
        assertEquals(new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy").format(d), "01-01-2010");

        d = DateUtil.getDateFromString("1-1-2010");
        assertEquals(new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy").format(d), "01-01-2010");

        d = DateUtil.getDateFromString("1/1/10");
        assertEquals(new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy").format(d), "01-01-2010");


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40.Format hour in kk (01-24) format like 01, 02..24.
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43.Formatting minute in m format like 1,2 etc.
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48.Format Month in MMMM format like January, February etc.
49.Format seconds in s format like 1,2 etc.
50.Format seconds in ss format like 01, 02 etc.
51.Format date in dd/mm/yyyy format
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53.Format year in yy format like 07, 08 etc
54.Format year in yyyy format like 2007, 2008 etc. SimpleDateFormat("hh") SimpleDateFormat("H") // The hour (0-23) SimpleDateFormat("m"): The minutes SimpleDateFormat("mm")
59.SimpleDateFormat("MM"): number based month value SimpleDateFormat("s"): The seconds SimpleDateFormat("ss") SimpleDateFormat("a"): The am/pm marker SimpleDateFormat("z"): The time zone SimpleDateFormat("zzzz") SimpleDateFormat("Z") SimpleDateFormat("hh:mm:ss a") SimpleDateFormat("") SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss Z")
71.SimpleDateFormat("E, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss Z")
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74.Three letter-month value: SimpleDateFormat("MMM")
75.Full length of month name: SimpleDateFormat("MMMM")
76.The day number: SimpleDateFormat("d")
77.Two digits day number: SimpleDateFormat("dd")
78.The day in week: SimpleDateFormat("E")
79.Full day name: SimpleDateFormat("EEEE")
80.Add AM PM to time using SimpleDateFormat
81.Simply format a date as "YYYYMMDD"
82.Java SimpleDateFormat Class Example("MM/dd/yyyy")
83.The format used is EEE, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss Z in US locale.
84.Date Formatting and Localization
85.Get a List of Short Month Names
86.Get a List of Weekday Names
87.Get a List of Short Weekday Names
88.Change date formatting symbols
89.An alternate way to get week days symbols
90.ISO8601 formatter for date-time without time zone.The format used is yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.
91.ISO8601 formatter for date-time with time zone. The format used is yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZZ.
92.Parsing custom formatted date string into Date object using SimpleDateFormat
93.Parse with a custom format
94.Parsing the Time Using a Custom Format
95.Parse with a default format
96.Parse a date and time
97.Parse string date value input with SimpleDateFormat("E, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss Z")
98.Parse string date value input with SimpleDateFormat("dd-MMM-yy")
99.Parse string date value with default format: DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.DEFAULT)
100.Find the current date format
101.Time format viewer
102.Date format viewer
103.Returns a String in the format Xhrs, Ymins, Z sec, for the time difference between two times
104.format Duration
105.Get Date Suffix
106.Date Format Cache
107.ISO8601 Date Format
108.Explode a date in 8 digit format into the three components.
109.Date To Iso Date Time
110.Iso Date Time To Date
111.Gets formatted time
112.Format Time To 2 Digits
113.Time formatting utility.
114.ISO 8601 BASIC date format
115.Format As MySQL Datetime SimpleDateFormat( "EEE MMM d HH:mm:ss z yyyy", Locale.UK )
117.Date parser for the ISO 8601 format.
118.Parse W3C Date format
119.Pack/Unpacks date stored in kdb format
120.Provides preset formatting for Dates. All dates are returned as GMT
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122.Date format for face book
123.FastDateFormat is a fast and thread-safe version of java.text.SimpleDateFormat.
124.XSD Date Time
125.Return a String value of Now() in a specify format
126.Format data to string with specified style.
127.extends Formatter