Convert time to a sliding window format : Date Calculation « Data Type « Java

Convert time to a sliding window format

 * Copyright (c) 2006 Richard Rodgers
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

//package com.monad.homerun.util;

import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.GregorianCalendar;

 * TimeUtil is a utility class with static methods to convert times in various
 * formats into other formats

public class TimeUtil {
  private static final int MINS_PER_DAY = 60 * 24;
  private static final long MS_PER_DAY = 1000 * 60 * MINS_PER_DAY;

  private static final int SEC = 1000;
  private static final int MIN = SEC * 60;
  private static final int HOUR = MIN * 60;
  private static final int DAY = HOUR * 24;
  private static final long WEEK = DAY * 7;
  private static final long YEAR = WEEK * 52;

  private static final long[] buckets = { YEAR, WEEK, DAY, HOUR, MIN, SEC };
  private static final String[] bucketNames = { "year", "week", "day",
      "hour", "minute", "second" };

  private static GregorianCalendar statFmtCal = new GregorianCalendar();

  private static final String ts24Pat = "H:mm:ss yy-MM-dd";
  // convert time to a sliding window format
  public static String windowFormat(long msecs) {
    Date tDate = new Date(msecs);
    long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
    long diff = now - msecs;
    // start with the last 24 hours
    long comp = MS_PER_DAY;
    // start comparing
    if (diff < comp) {
      // it's within the last 24 hours - just return the time
      DateFormat formatter = DateFormat.getTimeInstance(DateFormat.SHORT);
      return formatter.format(tDate);
    // now expand to another day
    comp += MS_PER_DAY;
    if (diff < comp) {
      // it's within the last 48 hours - just return the time
      DateFormat formatter = DateFormat.getTimeInstance(DateFormat.SHORT);
      return "Yesterday " + formatter.format(tDate);
    // now up it to a week
    comp += 5 * MS_PER_DAY;
    if (diff < comp) {
      // return the day of the week and the time
      // get time to be formatted into a calendar
      GregorianCalendar tCal = new GregorianCalendar();
      SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("EEEE");
      return formatter.format(tDate);
    // just return full date
    DateFormat formatter = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(DateFormat.SHORT,
    return formatter.format(tDate);


Related examples in the same category

1.Get the days difference
2.Get the days passed from the specified date up to the date provided in the constructor
3.Get the hours difference
4.Get the minutes difference
5.Get the seconds difference
6.Adds a number of days to a date returning a new object.
7.Adds a number of hours to a date returning a new object.
8.Adds a number of milliseconds to a date returning a new object.
9.Adds a number of minutes to a date returning a new object.
10.Adds a number of months to a date returning a new object.
11.Adds a number of seconds to a date returning a new object.
12.Adds a number of weeks to a date returning a new object.
13.Adds a number of years to a date returning a new object.
14.Returns a Date set just to Noon, to the closest possible millisecond of the day.
15.Returns a Date set to the first possible millisecond of the day, just after midnight.
16.Returns a Date set to the first possible millisecond of the month, just after midnight.
17.Returns a Date set to the last possible millisecond of the day, just before midnight.
18.Returns a Date set to the last possible millisecond of the minute.
19.Returns a Date set to the last possible millisecond of the month, just before midnight.
20.Returns a java.sql.Timestamp equal to the current time
21.Returns the number of days within the fragment.
22.Returns the number of hours within the fragment.
23.Returns the number of milliseconds within the fragment.
24.Returns the number of minutes within the fragment.
25.Returns the number of seconds within the fragment.
26.Returns true if endDate is after startDate or if startDate equals endDate.
27.Roll the days forward or backward
28.Roll the java.sql.Date forward or backward
29.Roll the java.util.Date forward or backward
30.Roll the java.util.Time forward or backward
31.Roll the years forward or backward
32.Round this date, leaving the field specified as the most significant field.
33.Checking date as String formatted by a date format
34.Checks if a calendar date is after today and within a number of days in the future
35.Checks if a calendar date is today
36.Checks if a date is after today and within a number of days in the future
37.Checks if the first calendar date is after the second calendar date ignoring time
38.Checks if the first calendar date is before the second calendar date ignoring time
39.Checks if the first date is after the second date ignoring time
40.Checks if the first date is before the second date ignoring time
41.Checks if two calendars represent the same day ignoring time
42.Checks if two dates are on the same day ignoring time
43.Checks the day, month and year are equal
44.Checks the hour, minute and second are equal
45.Make the date go forward of the specified amount of minutes
46.Make the date go back of the specified amount of days
47.Returns the maximum of two dates. A null date is treated as being less than any non-null date
48.Utilities to working with dates java.util.Date
49.Calculate Holidays
50.Compare two dates
51.Convert time in milliseconds into a display string of the form [h]h:mm[am|pm]
52.convert a minute-of-week time to time of day as dd:dd [AM|PM]
53.Convert a minute-of-week time to time of day as dd:dd (24 hour format)
54.Convert passed time into an offset string
55.convert date in milliseconds into the native format of the server - i.e. minute of the week
56.Convert date in milliseconds into minute of the day
57.Convert date in minute of the week format into millisecond format
58.Convert milliseconds into the day of the week string
59.Convert milliseconds into a short day of the week string
60.Convert milliseconds into the month of the year string
61.Get age
62.Get Next Monday
63.Get next Sunday
64.Get File system Path From Date
65.Get today's date
66.Get Month, Day of Month, year from a Date
67.A method to get the last day of a month
68.Get Age
69.Get date of yesterday
70.Get date of last week
71.Get date of last month
72.Utility for setting the time on a date.
73.Get last Date of This Month
74.General purpose date utilities.
75.Get Last day from previous Month
76.Get Local Epoch