Compute the value of 2/3 of 5

/** Compute the value of 2/3 of 5 */
public class FractMult {
public static void main(String[] u) {
double d1 = 0.666 * 5; // fast but obscure and inaccurate: convert
System.out.println(d1); // 2/3 to 0.666 in programmer's head
double d2 = 2/3 * 5; // wrong answer - 2/3 == 0, 0*5 = 0
double d3 = 2d/3d * 5; // "normal"
double d4 = (2*5)/3d; // one step done as integers, almost same answer
int i5 = 2*5/3; // fast, approximate integer answer
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