A utility class for converting a long into a human readable string. : long « Data Type « Java

A utility class for converting a long into a human readable string.

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 * Copyright 2008, Red Hat Middleware LLC, and individual contributors
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 * distribution for a full listing of individual contributors.
 * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
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import java.io.Serializable;

 * TimeFormat is a utility class for converting a long into a human readable
 * string.
 * <P>
 * Example usage:
 * <CODE> System.out.println("You have been online for:
 * "+TimeFormat.valueOf(milliseconds)); </CODE>
 * FIXME: expanded features need documentation. JGH
 * @author <a href="mailto:jhaynie@vocalocity.net">Jeff Haynie</a>
 * @date $Date: 2008-11-14 07:45:28 -0500 (Fri, 14 Nov 2008) $
 * @version $Revision: 81022 $
public final class TimeFormat implements Serializable {
  public static final boolean DEBUG = false;

  public static final long ONE_MILLISECOND = (1);

  public static final long ONE_SECOND = (ONE_MILLISECOND * 1000);

  public static final long ONE_MINUTE = (ONE_SECOND * 60);

  public static final long ONE_HOUR = (ONE_MINUTE * 60);

  public static final long ONE_DAY = (ONE_HOUR * 24);

  public static final int ROUND_TO_MILLISECOND = 5;

  public static final int ROUND_TO_SECOND = 4;

  public static final int ROUND_TO_MINUTE = 3;

  public static final int ROUND_TO_HOUR = 2;

  public static final int ROUND_TO_DAY = 1;

  private long original = 0;

  private long time = 0;

  private long remainder = 0;

  private long days = 0;

  private long hours = 0;

  private long minutes = 0;

  private long seconds = 0;

  private long milliseconds = 0;

  private boolean micro = false;

  private int rounding = ROUND_TO_SECOND;

   * construct a time format
   * @param milliseconds
  private TimeFormat(long milliseconds, int round) {
    this.rounding = round;
    this.original = milliseconds;

    if (milliseconds >= ONE_SECOND) {
      this.remainder = milliseconds;

    } else {
      micro = true;

      // if less than second, we'll just
      // display
      time = milliseconds;

   * construct a time format
   * @param milliseconds
  private TimeFormat(long milliseconds) {
    this(milliseconds, TimeFormat.ROUND_TO_MILLISECOND);

   * get days
   * @return days
  public long getDays() {
    return days;

   * get minutes
   * @return minutes
  public long getMinutes() {
    return minutes;

   * get hours
   * @return hours
  public long getHours() {
    return hours;

   * get seconds
   * @return seconds
  public long getSeconds() {
    return seconds;

   * add a timeformat
   * @param t
  public void add(TimeFormat t) {
    days += t.days;
    hours += t.hours;
    minutes += t.minutes;
    seconds += t.seconds;

   * get days from a time format
   * @param t
  public void getDays(TimeFormat t) {
    if (t.remainder >= ONE_DAY) {
      t.days = (t.remainder / ONE_DAY);
      t.remainder -= (t.days * ONE_DAY);

   * get hours from a time format
   * @param t
  public void getHours(TimeFormat t) {
    if (t.remainder >= ONE_HOUR && t.remainder < ONE_DAY) {
      t.hours = (t.remainder / ONE_HOUR);
      t.remainder -= (t.hours * ONE_HOUR);

   * get minutes from a time format
   * @param t
  public void getMinutes(TimeFormat t) {
    if (t.remainder >= ONE_MINUTE && t.remainder < ONE_HOUR) {
      t.minutes = (t.remainder / ONE_MINUTE);
      t.remainder -= (t.minutes * ONE_MINUTE);

   * get seconds from a time format
   * @param t
  public void getSeconds(TimeFormat t) {
    if (t.remainder >= ONE_SECOND && t.remainder < ONE_MINUTE) {
      t.seconds = (t.remainder / ONE_SECOND);
      t.milliseconds = t.remainder -= (t.seconds * ONE_SECOND);
    } else {
      t.seconds = 0;
      t.milliseconds = t.remainder;

   * update time
   * @param t
  public void getTime(TimeFormat t) {

   * update
  private void getTime() {

   * get the milliseconds
  public long getMilliseconds() {
    return (micro ? time : milliseconds);

   * print out the time format in a string representation
  public String toString() {
    return format(rounding);

   * set rounding - one of ROUND_TO_MILLISECONDS, etc.
  public void setRounding(int r) {
    rounding = r;

   * return the rounding
  public int getRouding() {
    return rounding;

   * format string based on rouding
  public String format(int round) {

    if (DEBUG) {
      System.err.println("-->time: " + time + ", round: " + round + ", micro: " + micro
          + ",remainder:" + remainder);
      System.err.println("-->days: " + days);
      System.err.println("-->hours: " + hours);
      System.err.println("-->minutes: " + minutes);
      System.err.println("-->hours: " + hours);
      System.err.println("-->seconds: " + seconds);
      System.err.println("-->milliseconds: " + milliseconds);

    switch (round) {

    case ROUND_TO_DAY: {
      return formatDays(false);

    case ROUND_TO_HOUR: {
      return formatDays(true) + formatHours(false);

    case ROUND_TO_MINUTE: {
      return formatDays(true) + formatHours(true) + formatMinutes(false);

    case ROUND_TO_SECOND: {
      return formatDays(true) + formatHours(true) + formatMinutes(true) + formatSeconds(false);

      return formatDays(true) + formatHours(true) + formatMinutes(true) + formatSeconds(true)
          + (micro ? time : milliseconds) + " ms";

    return original + " ms";

   * FIXME: Missing Method declaration
   * @param empty
   * @return
  private String formatDays(boolean empty) {
    if (days <= 0) {
      return empty ? "" : "0 days";

    return format("day", "days", days);

   * FIXME: Missing Method declaration
   * @param empty
   * @return
  private String formatHours(boolean empty) {
    if (hours <= 0) {
      return empty ? "" : "0 hours";

    return format("hour", "hours", hours);

   * FIXME: Missing Method declaration
   * @param empty
   * @return
  private String formatMinutes(boolean empty) {
    if (minutes <= 0) {
      return empty ? "" : "0 minutes";

    return format("minute", "minutes", minutes);

   * FIXME: Missing Method declaration
   * @param empty
   * @return
  private String formatSeconds(boolean empty) {
    if (seconds <= 0) {
      return empty ? "" : "0 seconds";

    return format("second", "seconds", seconds);

   * handle amt formatting
  private String format(String single, String plural, long amt) {
    if (amt > 0) {
      return amt + " " + (amt > 1 ? plural : single) + " ";

    return "";

   * return a string formatted version of time <code>t</code> rounding to
   * <code>round</code>
   * @param t
   * @param round
   * @return String value
  public static String valueOf(long t, int round) {
    TimeFormat f = new TimeFormat(t, round);

    return f.toString();

   * return a string formatted version of time <code>t</code> rounding to
   * <code>round</code>
   * @param t
   * @param round
   * @return String value
  public static String valueOf(long t) {
    return valueOf(t, TimeFormat.ROUND_TO_MILLISECOND);

   * format with a date time
  public static String format(String format, long time) {
    TimeFormat f = new TimeFormat(time);

    return f.parse(format, f.getDays(), f.getHours(), f.getMinutes(), f.getSeconds(), f


   * parse
  private String parse(String format, long day, long hour, long minute, long second, long millis) {
    String s = "";
    int start = 0;
    int len = format.length();

    for (int c = 0; c < len; c++) {
      char tc = format.charAt(c);
      int sc = c;
      int l = 0;

      switch (tc) {

      case ' ': {
        s += " ";


      case '\'': {
        while (++c < len && format.charAt(c) != '\'')

        s += format.substring(sc + 1, c);


      case 'D': // days

      case 'd':
        while (++c < len && (format.charAt(c) == 'd' || format.charAt(c) == 'D'))

        l = c - sc;
        s += sc <= 0 || start < 0 ? "" : format.substring(start, sc);
        s += zeroPad(day, l - 1);


      case 'h': // hours

      case 'H':
        while (++c < len && (format.charAt(c) == 'h' || format.charAt(c) == 'H'))

        l = c - sc;
        s += sc <= 0 || start < 0 ? "" : format.substring(start, sc);
        s += zeroPad(hour, l - 1);


      case 'm': // minutes

      case 'M':
        while (++c < len && (format.charAt(c) == 'm' || format.charAt(c) == 'M'))

        l = c - sc;
        s += sc <= 0 || start < 0 ? "" : format.substring(start, sc);
        s += zeroPad(minute, l - 1);


      case 's': // seconds

      case 'S':
        while (++c < len && (format.charAt(c) == 's' || format.charAt(c) == 'S'))

        l = c - sc;
        s += sc <= 0 || start < 0 ? "" : format.substring(start, sc);
        s += zeroPad(second, l - 1);


      case 'z': // milliseconds

      case 'Z':
        while (++c < len && (format.charAt(c) == 'z' || format.charAt(c) == 'Z'))

        l = c - sc;
        s += sc <= 0 || start < 0 ? "" : format.substring(start, sc);
        s += zeroPad(millis, l - 1);


      start = c + 1;

    return s;

   * zero pad a number to len
  private String zeroPad(long value, int len) {
    String s = String.valueOf(value);
    int l = s.length();
    String r = "";

    for (int c = l; c <= len; c++) {
      r += "0";

    return r + s;

   * test
   * @param args
  public static void main(String args[]) {
    String FORMAT = "D 'days,' HH 'hours,' mm 'minutes and ' ss 'seconds, 'zz 'milliseconds'";

    System.out.println(TimeFormat.format(FORMAT, 1000));
    System.out.println("ONE SECOND: " + TimeFormat.ONE_SECOND);
    System.out.println("ONE MINUTE: " + TimeFormat.ONE_MINUTE);
    System.out.println("ONE HOUR:   " + TimeFormat.ONE_HOUR);
    System.out.println("ONE DAY:    " + TimeFormat.ONE_DAY);

    for (int c = 0; c <= 5; c++) {
      System.out.println("Round to: " + c);
      System.out.println("Time: " + TimeFormat.valueOf(Long.MAX_VALUE, c));
      System.out.println("Time: " + TimeFormat.valueOf(1236371400, c));
      System.out.println("Time: " + TimeFormat.format(FORMAT, 1236371400));
      System.out.println("Time: " + TimeFormat.valueOf(123613700, c));
      System.out.println("Time: " + TimeFormat.valueOf(700, c));
      System.out.println("Time: " + TimeFormat.valueOf(2001, c));
      System.out.println("Time: " + TimeFormat.valueOf(2101, c));
      System.out.println("Time: " + TimeFormat.valueOf(15, c));
      System.out.println("Time: " + TimeFormat.valueOf(999, c));
      System.out.println("Time: " + TimeFormat.valueOf(10000, c));
      System.out.println("Time: " + TimeFormat.valueOf(ONE_MINUTE * 10, c));
      System.out.println("Time: " + TimeFormat.valueOf(ONE_DAY * 10 + 101, c));
      System.out.println("Time: " + TimeFormat.valueOf(ONE_HOUR * 10, c));
      System.out.println("Time: " + TimeFormat.valueOf(ONE_HOUR + ONE_DAY + (ONE_MINUTE * 2), c));
      System.out.println("Time: "
          + TimeFormat.format(FORMAT, ONE_HOUR + ONE_DAY + (ONE_MINUTE * 2)));


 * $Log: 1 Head - DO NOT USE1.0 12/3/01 2:51:16 PM jhaynie $ Revision 1.2
 * 2001/08/31 22:04:24 jhaynie added parsing and formatting features
 * Revision 1.1 2001/08/29 19:47:53 jhaynie initial checkin


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