Redundancy Checker : Custom List « Collections Data Structure « Java

Redundancy Checker


 *        This code snippet takes a list of objects and checks for any redundancy in the list.
 *        In this example I've taken a list of Integer, but it can be generalized to any kind
 *        of object.

 * Oh no! The value 1 is redundant.
 * */

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ListIterator;

public class RedundancyChecker {

  public static void main(String[] a) {
    new RedundancyChecker();

  public RedundancyChecker() {

    Integer[] array = new Integer[5]; // Create and
    // array of
    // Integer
    Integer i0 = new Integer(0);
    array[0] = i0;
    Integer i1 = new Integer(1); // <--------
    array[1] = i1; // |
    Integer i2 = new Integer(2); // |--- redundant
    // values
    array[2] = i2; // |
    Integer i3 = new Integer(1); // <--------
    array[3] = i3;
    Integer i4 = new Integer(4);
    array[4] = i4;

    // transform the array into a List
    List l = Arrays.asList(array);

    // Check the List

  public boolean checkForRedundancy(List l) {
    ListIterator li1 = l.listIterator(); // Make a
    // general
    // ListIterator
    // on the list

    while (li1.hasNext()) {
      // Store the value of the actual first checked
      // element of the List,
      // it needs to be stored because it calls the
      // .next(), which we can call only once per loop
      // in order to sweep the whole list.
      int check1 = ((Integer);

      // Make a second ListIterator that will start
      // with the element that is just after the
      // actual first checked one,
      // in order to avoid checking several times the
      // same elements.
      ListIterator li2 = l.listIterator(li1.nextIndex() + 1);

      while (li2.hasNext()) {
        // Store the following elements one by
        // one and check to see if they match
        // the actual one.
        int check2 = ((Integer);
        if (check1 == check2) {
          System.out.println("Oh no! The value " + check1 + " is redundant.");
          return true;
      // The .next() method has already been called at
      // the beginning of the loop.
    return false;

Related examples in the same category

1.Doubly-linked list with data structureDoubly-linked list with data structure
2.Sorted listSorted list
3.List with first and last referencesList with first and last references
4.Frist last list
5.Another Link list
6.A growable array of int values, suitable for use with multiple threads
7.Implements a "rolling list".