Minimum heap implementation.
* Copyright (c) 2008-2010 Morten Silcowitz.
* This file is part of the Jinngine physics library
* Jinngine is published under the GPL license, available
* at
//package jinngine.util;
import java.util.*;
* Minimum heap implementation. See [Cormen et al 1999] for formal theory.
* Maintains all elements in a min-heap, such that the minimum element will
* be the top-most node in the heap at all times. Among many other uses, heaps are ideal for
* representing priority queues.
public class Heap<T> {
private int size;
final private List<Node> heap;
final private Comparator<T> comparator;
private class Node {
public T element;
public int position;
* Create a new heap
* @param comparator A comparator that handles elements of type T
public Heap( Comparator<T> comparator ) {
size = 0;
//Allocate space
heap = new ArrayList<Node>();
this.comparator = comparator;
//initialy clear
//for (int i=0;i<maxSize;i++) heap[i] = null;
* Insert element into the heap. O(lg n) where n is the number of elements/nodes in the heap
* @param element new element to be inserted
public void insert( final T element ) {
Node node = new Node();
node.element = element;
node.position = size-1;
decreaseKey( node );
//return node;
public final void clear() {
size = 0;
* Return a reference to the top-most element on the heap. The method does not change the state
* of the heap in any way. O(k).
* @return Reference to top-most element of heap
public final T top() {
return heap.get(0).element;
//bound check missing
* Pop an element of the heap. O(lg n) where n is the number of elements in heap.
public T pop() {
T returnNode = top();
exchange( 0, size-1 );
//if any elements left in heap, do minHeapify
if (size>0) {
minHeapify( heap.get(0) );
return returnNode;
// private final void reinsert( final Node n ) {
// if ( !decreaseKey(n) ) {
// minHeapify(n);
// }
// }
public final int size() {
return size;
private final boolean decreaseKey( final Node node ) {
int index = node.position;
boolean modified = false;
// while ( index>0 && (heap[parent(index)]).compareTo( heap[index]) >= 0 ) {
while ( index>0 &&, heap.get(index).element ) >= 0 ) {
exchange( index, parent(index) );
index = parent(index);
modified = true;
return modified;
private final void minHeapify( final Node node ) {
int smallest;
int index = node.position;
int left = left(index);
int right = right(index);
// if (left<size && (heap[left]).compareTo(heap[index]) <= 0 )
if (left<size &&, heap.get(index).element) <= 0 )
smallest= left;
smallest = index;
// if (right<size && (heap[right]).compareTo(heap[smallest]) <=0 )
if (right<size &&, heap.get(smallest).element ) <=0 )
smallest= right;
if (smallest!= index) {
exchange( index, smallest );
minHeapify( heap.get(smallest) );
private final void exchange( final int index, final int index2 ) {
Node temp = heap.get(index);
temp.position = index2;
Node temp2 = heap.get(index2);
temp2.position = index;
heap.set(index, temp2 );
heap.set( index2, temp);
//Update posistion in Node
// heap.get(index).position=index;
// heap.get(index2).position=index2;
private final int parent(final int i) {
return i/2;
private final int left(final int i) {
return 2*i;
private final int right(final int i) {
return 2*i+1;
* Returns an iterator that iterates over all elements of the heap, in no particular order
* @return
public final Iterator<T> iterator() {
return new Iterator<T>() {
private Iterator<Node> iterator = heap.iterator();
public boolean hasNext() { return iterator.hasNext(); }
public T next() { return; }
public void remove() { }
// public void printHeap() {
// int step =1;
// int i = 0;
// for (int n=0;n<size;n++) {
// i++;
// //System.out.print(""+ ((Contact)heap[n].item).relativeV + "*");
// if (i%step == 0 ) {
// step *=2; i=0;
// System.out.println("");
// }
// }
// System.out.println("");
// }
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