Lookup table that stores a list of strings : Customized Map « Collections Data Structure « Java

Lookup table that stores a list of strings

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 * $Id: StringToIntTable.java 468655 2006-10-28 07:12:06Z minchau $

 * A very simple lookup table that stores a list of strings, the even
 * number strings being keys, and the odd number strings being values.
 * @xsl.usage internal
public class StringToIntTable

  public static final int INVALID_KEY = -10000;
  /** Block size to allocate          */
  private int m_blocksize;

  /** Array of strings this table points to. Associated with ints
   * in m_values         */
  private String m_map[];

  /** Array of ints this table points. Associated with strings from
   * m_map.         */
  private int m_values[];

  /** Number of ints in the table          */
  private int m_firstFree = 0;

  /** Size of this table         */
  private int m_mapSize;

   * Default constructor.  Note that the default
   * block size is very small, for small lists.
  public StringToIntTable()

    m_blocksize = 8;
    m_mapSize = m_blocksize;
    m_map = new String[m_blocksize];
    m_values = new int[m_blocksize];

   * Construct a StringToIntTable, using the given block size.
   * @param blocksize Size of block to allocate
  public StringToIntTable(int blocksize)

    m_blocksize = blocksize;
    m_mapSize = blocksize;
    m_map = new String[blocksize];
    m_values = new int[m_blocksize];

   * Get the length of the list.
   * @return the length of the list 
  public final int getLength()
    return m_firstFree;

   * Append a string onto the vector.
   * @param key String to append
   * @param value The int value of the string
  public final void put(String key, int value)

    if ((m_firstFree + 1) >= m_mapSize)
      m_mapSize += m_blocksize;

      String newMap[] = new String[m_mapSize];

      System.arraycopy(m_map, 0, newMap, 0, m_firstFree + 1);

      m_map = newMap;

      int newValues[] = new int[m_mapSize];

      System.arraycopy(m_values, 0, newValues, 0, m_firstFree + 1);

      m_values = newValues;

    m_map[m_firstFree] = key;
    m_values[m_firstFree] = value;


   * Tell if the table contains the given string.
   * @param key String to look for
   * @return The String's int value
  public final int get(String key)

    for (int i = 0; i < m_firstFree; i++)
      if (m_map[i].equals(key))
        return m_values[i];

  return INVALID_KEY;

   * Tell if the table contains the given string. Ignore case.
   * @param key String to look for
   * @return The string's int value
  public final int getIgnoreCase(String key)

    if (null == key)
        return INVALID_KEY;

    for (int i = 0; i < m_firstFree; i++)
      if (m_map[i].equalsIgnoreCase(key))
        return m_values[i];

    return INVALID_KEY;

   * Tell if the table contains the given string.
   * @param key String to look for
   * @return True if the string is in the table
  public final boolean contains(String key)

    for (int i = 0; i < m_firstFree; i++)
      if (m_map[i].equals(key))
        return true;

    return false;
   * Return array of keys in the table.
   * @return Array of strings
  public final String[] keys()
    String [] keysArr = new String[m_firstFree];

    for (int i = 0; i < m_firstFree; i++)
      keysArr[i] = m_map[i];

    return keysArr;


Related examples in the same category

1.Ordered Map
2.Case Insensitive Map
3.A Map collection with real-time behavior
4.Cache Map
5.Map implementation Optimized for Strings keys
6.An integer hashmap
7.An IdentityMap that uses reference-equality instead of object-equality
8.Int Object HashMap
9.Concurrent Skip List Map
10.A hash map that uses primitive ints for the key rather than objects.
11.Integer Map
12.Copy On Write Map
13.Expiring Map
14.Array Map
15.Int Object HashMap (from CERN)
16.Int HashMap from jodd.org
17.String Map
18.List Map
19.Map using Locale objects as keys
20.Map with keys iterated in insertion order
21.Most Recently Used Map
22.Multi Map
23.MultiMap is a Java version of the C++ STL class std::multimap
24.Object Int Map
25.Sequenced HashMap
26.Int Int Map
27.Int Object Map
28.Identity HashMap
29.A java.util.Map interface which can only hold a single object
30.A multi valued Map
31.A simple hashmap from keys to integers
32.A memory-efficient hash map.
33.An implementation of the java.util.Map interface which can only hold a single object.
34.Utility methods for operating on memory-efficient maps.
35.CaseBlindHashMap - a HashMap extension, using Strings as key values.
36.A fixed size map implementation.
37.Int HashMap
38.IntMap provides a simple hashmap from keys to integers
39.Complex Key HashMap
40.A Map with multiple values for a key
41.A Map that accepts int or Integer keys only
42.A Map where keys are compared by object identity, rather than equals()
43.Type-safe Map, from char array to String value
44.A hashtable-based Map implementation with soft keys
45.List ordered map
46.Hash map using String values as keys mapped to primitive int values.
47.HashNMap stores multiple values by a single key value. Values can be retrieved using a direct query or by creating an enumeration over the stored elements.
48.Combines multiple values to form a single composite key. MultiKey can often be used as an alternative to nested maps.