Collection « Collections Data Structure « Java

1.Disjoint two collections
2.Whether Collection only contains a single unique object
3.Simple implementation of a generic Bag
4.Find a value of the given type in the given Collection
5.Check whether the given Collection contains the given element instance.
6.Return the first element in 'candidates' that is contained in source
7.Return true if any element in 'candidates' is contained in source
8.A utility class for working with attribute and parameter collections used by Spring Web FLow
9.Append, filter and get the size of collections

10.Is collection is empty, and all of its elements are empty
11.Deep clone collection: Returns a new collection containing clones of all the items in the specified collection.
12.Get the difference of two collections
13.The collection related utilities
14.A combination of two collections into a collection
15.Clone an array
16.Clones a map and prefixes the keys in the clone
17.Clones the lhs map and add all things from the rhs map.
18.Dump collection to String