Adaptive extension of the java.util.Vector class : Vector « Collections Data Structure « Java

Adaptive extension of the java.util.Vector class

//revised from marf

import java.util.Vector;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;

 * <p>Adaptive extension of the java.util.Vector class.</p>
 * <p>You may access elements of a Vector beyond it's initial length --- the Vector
 * will be automaticall adjusted as appropriate.</p>
 * <p>Useful in the applications where desirable vector's growth by setting an element
 * beyond its upper boundary automatticaly lengthens the vector to accomondate the
 * change (similar to Perl arrays).</p>
 * <p>Similarly, getting an element beyond the upper boundary is not desirable failure, but
 * an empty element returned. This makes the application to see as vector of a theoretically infinite
 * in length.</p>
 * TODO: allow negative index boundaries.
 * $Id:,v 1.12 2005/08/11 00:44:50 mokhov Exp $
 * @author Serguei Mokhov
 * @version $Revision: 1.12 $
 * @since
public class FreeVector
extends Vector
   * For serialization versioning.
   * When adding new members or make other structural
   * changes regenerate this number with the
   * <code>serialver</code> tool that comes with JDK.
   * @since
  private static final long serialVersionUID = 8706834105778495182L;

   * A free vector with default capacity as specified by java.util.Vector.
  public FreeVector()

   * Constructs this vector given capacity other than default.
   * Inherited from java.util.Vector.
   * @param piInitialCapacity initial element capacity (number of object placeholders)
  public FreeVector(int piInitialCapacity)

   * Constructs this vector given capacity and its increment.
   * Inherited from java.util.Vector.
   * @param piInitialCapacity initial element capacity (number of object placeholders)
   * @param piCapacityIncrement when current capacity reached, until how much capacity should be extened
  public FreeVector(int piInitialCapacity, int piCapacityIncrement)
    super(piInitialCapacity, piCapacityIncrement);
   * Constructs this vector out of a collection.
   * Inherited from java.util.Vector.
   * @param poCollection collection for the vector elements.
  public FreeVector(Collection poCollection)
   * Access an element of the vector given index. 
   * Overridden from java.util.Vector.
   * @param piIndex vector element index to retrieve
   * @return object cotained at specified index, null if beyond boundary
  public Object elementAt(int piIndex)
    if(piIndex > size() - 1)
      return null;

    return super.elementAt(piIndex);

   * Set an element of the vector given index.
   * Capacity is always ensured to be able to accomodate
   * any positive inidex (barring out of memory problems). 
   * Overridden from java.util.Vector.
   * @param poElement element to set at the index
   * @param piIndex the index
  public void setElementAt(Object poElement, int piIndex)
    super.setElementAt(poElement, piIndex);

   * Inserts an element of the vector after given index.
   * Capacity is always ensured to be able to accomodate
   * any positive inidex (barring out of memory problems). 
   * Overridden from java.util.Vector.
   * @param poElement element to set after the index
   * @param piIndex the index
  public void insertElementAt(Object poElement, int piIndex)
    super.insertElementAt(poElement, piIndex);

   * Make sure the capacity of the vector is enough
   * to hold an element with the specified index.
   * Has effect only if the index is greater than
   * the current vector's size.
   * @param piIndex the index to accomodate
  public void ensureIndexCapacity(int piIndex)
    if(piIndex > size() - 1)
      ensureCapacity(piIndex + 1);
      setSize(piIndex + 1);

   * Access an element of the vector given index. 
   * Overridden from java.util.Vector. Calls the overridden elementAt().
   * @param piIndex vector element index to retrieve
   * @return object cotained at specified index, null if beyond boundary
  public synchronized Object get(int piIndex)
    return elementAt(piIndex);

   * Set an element of the vector given index.
   * Capacity is always ensured to be able to accomodate
   * any positive inidex (barring out of memory problems).
   * Overridden from java.util.Vector.
   * @param poElement element to set at the index
   * @param piIndex the index
   * @return object that was previously at that index.
  public synchronized Object set(int piIndex, Object poElement)
    Object oOldElement = elementAt(piIndex);
    setElementAt(poElement, piIndex);
    return oOldElement;

   * Adds an element of the vector at the specified index. 
   * Overridden from java.util.Vector. Calls the overridden insertElementAt().
   * @param piIndex the index
   * @param poElement element to set after the index
  public synchronized void add(int piIndex, Object poElement)
    insertElementAt(poElement, piIndex);

   * Removes an element at index.
   * If the index is beyond the upper boundary, returns null.  
   * Overrides java.util.Vector.
   * @param piIndex index of the element to be removed
   * @return object reference of the element just removed; null if index exceeds the upper bound
  public synchronized Object remove(int piIndex)
    if(piIndex >= size())
      // 1 less than the index
      //ensureIndexCapacity(piIndex - 1);

      return null;

    return super.remove(piIndex);

   * Adds a collection of elements to this vector starting at given index.
   * Makes sure the capacity of the current vector reaches the piIndex. 
   * Overrides java.util.Vector.
   * @param piIndex starting index to add elements from
   * @param poCollection collection of elements to add
   * @return <code>true</code> if the vector has changed
  public synchronized boolean addAll(int piIndex, Collection poCollection)
    return super.addAll(piIndex, poCollection);

   * Retrieves a sublist subset of vector elements given index boundaries.
   * Makes sure the capacity of the current vector reaches the piToIndex. 
   * Overrides java.util.Vector.
   * @param piFromIndex starting index to fetch elements from
   * @param piToIndex last index to fetch elements to
   * @return a corresponding List reference.
  public synchronized List subList(int piFromIndex, int piToIndex)
    return super.subList(piFromIndex, piToIndex);

   * Not implemented.
   * Meant to remove a set of elements between two specified indices.
   * @param piFromIndex starting index to remove elements from
   * @param piToIndex last index to remove elements to
   * @throws NotImplementedException
  public synchronized void removeRange(int piFromIndex, int piToIndex)
    // TODO: implement
    throw new RuntimeException( "removeRange()");

   * Retrieves class' revision.
   * @return revision string
   * @since
  public static String getMARFSourceCodeRevision()
    return "$Revision: 1.12 $";

// EOF


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