set Clip and get Clip : Clip « 2D Graphics GUI « Java

set Clip and get Clip

 * Created on Aug 30, 2007, 11:40:18 AM
 * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
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//Revised from jaspersoft ireport designer

import java.awt.BasicStroke;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.awt.Shape;
import java.awt.Stroke;
import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;
import java.util.Stack;

 * @author gtoffoli
public class Java2DUtils
  private static Stack clipBoundsStack = new Stack();
  private static Stack transforms = new Stack();

  public static void setClip(Graphics g, int x, int y, int width, int height)
    setClip(g, new Rectangle(x, y, width, height));

  public static void setClip(Graphics g, Rectangle clipBounds)
    Rectangle currentClipBounds;

    clipBounds = new Rectangle(clipBounds);
    clipBounds.width += 1;
    clipBounds.height += 1;

    currentClipBounds = g.getClipBounds();
    if(currentClipBounds != null)
      clipBounds = clipBounds.intersection(g.getClipBounds());


  public static void resetClip(Graphics g)
    g.setClip((Shape) clipBoundsStack.pop());
    public static void setTransform(Graphics2D g2, AffineTransform transform)
    AffineTransform current;

    current = g2.getTransform();

  public static void resetTransform(Graphics2D g2)

    g2.setTransform((AffineTransform) transforms.pop());


Related examples in the same category

1.Clip the areaClip the area
2.Clip ImageClip Image
3.Clip another areaClip another area
4.Setting the Clipping Area with a Shape
5.Copy Area Performance
6.Clipping is restricting of drawing to a certain area.Clipping is restricting of drawing to a certain area.
7.Represents a clipping rectangle in a prefuse DisplayRepresents a clipping rectangle in a prefuse Display
8.Clips the specified line to the given rectangle.